Main Index

  | RapidLok6 Routine Index
  | Main Program Routines:
  |   $07B0     Entry Point, get current file Track/Sector, load RL6 sectors into memory
  |   $0206     "M-W" command body, decrypt [$0300-$0380] code area
  |   $0300     Decrypt RL6 routines, transfer "general loading loop" & "exit-routines" to C64
  |   $037F     Decrypt code area [$0420-$046D] (bit shift), [$79]:=-3 (#params to copy in $0587 routine).
  |   $0400     Exit routine (memory clean-up & init 1541)
  |   $0415     Read specific $6B data sector, RL6 integrity checks. CF=0 if all ok.
  |   $0480     Retrieve 35 keys from Track 36 Key Sector -> [$0153-$0174]
  |   $050D     Count byte-readys (->[$0150]) until next Sync mark or timeout. CF:=0 if Sync found.
  |   $052A     Find DOS reference sector on track (integrity check; ~recalibrate head onto track before)
  |   $0558     Locate Track 36 Key Sector, enforce Job #4 ($0700 Track 36 handler),
  |             run $0587 file transfer management
  |   $0587     File transfer management
  |   $0604     Recalibrate head onto Track
  |   $0625     File transfer: [$B5-$B6] bytes starting at ($30),Y. CF:=1 if whole file transfer complete.
  |   $0678     Wait for the next $6B data sector Sync mark. CF:=0 if found.
  |   $0698     Wait for Sync mark, CF=0 if Sync found, Y:=0 (~set [$15]).
  |   $06B2     Step motor movement to other (Half-)Track, set Bit rate (~set Job #4) & Track Key
  |   $06F3     Wait loop.
  |   $0700     Track 36 handler ($D0-Job #4)
  |   $0718     Decrypt keys from Track 36 Key Sector (ROL $24,$25,$26)
  |   $0725     Counts the data bytes (returned in A,Y) until next Sync is detected. CF:=1.
  |   $0733     Measure (current -or- next following) Sync length (in X). (~CF:=0,[$BD]=A:=6 if Sync found)
  |   $0745     Wait for next sector start, set Job #1, set [$1D], set [$11], get Track Key.
  |   $0786     Prepare and run $0558 routine, afterwards RapidLok clean-up & exit.
  | 1541 ROM Routines:
  |   $D005     1541 - Perform [I] - Initalise command
  |   $EAA0     1541 - Power-up RESET routine