Microprose Pirates 1987 C64 - Getting a clean image
By BanGuiBob

This article will show how to get a clean 1541 disk image: extract all files from the Rapidlok protected disk, find and copy the unprotected areas, apply necessary patches.
  Audience experience:
Beginner / Advanced
1541 disk layout
Retro Replay Cartridge
  Document Revision:
v1.01, update, 01 Nov 2009

  • Download D64 images - 198 Kb
  • Introduction

    "Fifteen men on a dead man's chest. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Arr, maties, welcome aboard me ship. I be intendin' to sail the Spanish main in search of treasure!" Well, that's what you would be saying if you were playing this game. Pirates is a cool game from Micropose originally released for the Commodore 64 computer. It was done by the legendary Sid Meier. (Taken from Wiesner, [14])

    The game is 20 years old now. The original version I have is on a copy protected 1541 floppy disk (game in english language, box in german with purple color). As data on magnetic storage media is known to be readable for only some years, I'm lucky my disk is still 100% ok.
    There are quite some versions of the game on the internet so far, downloadable in D64 format. But the english disk versions I have seen all originate from the "Eagle Software Inc" (ESI) crack made back in the 1980s. It's an older version than mine (title screen says 132x01, my version is 132x02). There are also a german and a polish disk version on the internet. The german has a different versioning ("9.3.1991") and other differences (e.g. additional files). The polish is only the translated old ESI version. I have also seen some english tapes (versions "132T02", "132T03"), but those can't be taken very serious without the pictures (= no fun).
    All versions have some annoying bugs. Moreover, you're lucky if you get your hands on a D64 image without read-errors. So I think it's about time to make a clean backup copy of my game disk, playable both on the C64 and Vice emulator for Windows.

    I divided this tutorial into the following Chapters and Subchapters:

    Chapter 1 - Analysis
    Chapter 2 - Filecopy
    2.1 The Injector
    2.2 The Filecopy Loop
    Chapter 3 - Copy the missing parts
    3.1 Adding the not protected files
    3.2 Tracks 1 - 3 contain data
    3.3 The Disk IDs
    Chapter 4 - Patching the game
    4.1 Patching "PICK" on Side 1
    4.2 Patching "MAIN" on Side 2
    Chapter 5 - Bugfixes
    5.1 Making the Dutch governor believe he's not at war with himself
    5.2 Fixing a minor typo
    Chapter 6 - Autostarting the game
    6.1 The autostart file
    6.2 The C128 boot sector
    Chapter 7 - Creating the clean image - Final copy guide
    Chapter 8 - Conclusion

    Hardware and Software requirements:

    You will need a C64 (PAL or NTSC), connected to two 1541 disk drives with the usual serial cables (one drive ID set to 8, the other set to 9), and a Windows PC (2000/XP) equipped with a cable for connecting to one of the 1541s. I suggest a simple XA1541 cable or XAP1541 parallel cable for this connection. As the minimum required software I suggest "nibtools 0.5.1" copy program (if you have the XAP1541 parallel cable and a 1541 with a parallel port hardware addon), "opencbm 0.4.0" utilities and driver, "GUI4CBM4WIN 0.4.1" graphical Windows application for "opencbm v0.4.0", "64Copy 4.20" Norton Commander like file handling tool, "WinVice 1.22" C64-emulator and "UltraEdit 13.20" as text/hex editor (all software for Windows 2000/XP).

    CHAPTER 1 - Analysis

    So turn on your C64, take out your dusty Pirates disk and put it into your 1541 floppy drive. Type LOAD"TITLE",8,1 at your C64's command prompt and the game will autostart. But what's going on exactly?

    We will now first make a simple (non working) copy of both disk sides into D64 files under Windows 2000/XP so we can start our analysis. There are two possible ways:

    (A) If your 1541 has a parallel port (hardware addon) and you have a XAP1541 parallel cable (other parallel cables may also work):

    Connect your 1541 (drive ID 8) to your PC using the XAP1541 parallel cable (turn them off before connecting!) and run instcbm.exe from "opencbm 0.4.0" to start the driver. Now make sure your original Pirates disk is in the 1541 drive, open a Windows command shell (cmd.exe) and change to the "nibtools 0.5.1" directory. Then type in nibread -E36 side1.nib to copy the whole disk side (Ending Track 36). A nibconv side1.nib side1.d64 will convert it into the necessary D64 file format. Repeat this with the backside of your Pirates disk. Finally run instcbm -r to unload the driver. You should now have two D64 files: side1.d64 and side2.d64, each 175.531 bytes in size.
    Most Tracks on both disk sides have a special format, so nibread will show many sector errors (check the nibread logfiles). The following Tracks should be readable by the normal Kernal routines: Tracks 1-6 on side 1 (only Track 4 has errors on Sectors 5,7,9,14,15,17,19), Tracks 1-3 on side 2, Track 9 on side 2 (only Sectors 0-3 are ok) and the directory Track 18 of both disk sides (but there are errors on Sectors 11,14,17 on side 1 and 5,8,11,14,17 on side 2). This is ok.

    (B) If your 1541 has the usual serial port and you have a XA1541 cable (other cables may also work):

    Connect your 1541 (drive ID 8) to your PC using the XA1541 cable (turn them off before connecting!) and run instcbm.exe from "opencbm 0.4.0" to start the driver. Now put your original Pirates disk into the 1541 drive, open a Windows command shell (cmd.exe) and change to the "opencbm" directory. Then type in d64copy -e 3 8 side1.d64 to copy Tracks 1-3 and d64copy -s 18 -e 18 8 side1.d64 for Track 18. Repeat this with the backside of your Pirates disk. Finally run instcbm -r to unload the driver. You should now have two D64 files: side1.d64 and side2.d64, each 174.848 bytes in size.
    The "d64copy.exe" console output will show some read errors on Track 18 (see above "nibtools" copy guide for a list). This is ok.

    The game will not run from those D64 images, but they'll be sufficient for our analysis now.

    The following Figure #1 shows how your directory on "side1.d64" will essentially look like (use "UltraEdit" to hex-edit the file). The article "D64 (Electronic form of a physical 1541 disk)" [1] has details on the D64 disk layout and directory structure.

    Figure #1: Directory on Track 18 (Side 1).

    Keep that "strange looking garbage" at $165B0-$165FF in mind. You will notice that (nearly) all files on the disk point to Track 18, Sector 18. It's located at $17700:

    Figure #2: Fastloader at Track 18, Sector 18.

    So by loading (almost) any file, there's the same program being loaded to memory location $02ED ($17702/$17703 lo-hi order). I'll call it the fastloader from now on. To find out what it's doing start WinVice, enable "True Drive emulation" (Options - True Drive emulation) and attach drive 8 to "side1.d64" (File - Attach disk image - Drive 8). Enter WinVice's Monitor (File - Monitor, or Alt+M), open the Disassembly window, scroll to 02ED and left-click on that line to set a breakpoint (whole line will be marked red). (Alternatively you may enter break 02ed in the monitor window to set the breakpoint.) Now exit the Monitor (File - Exit, or x at the Monitor's command prompt) and type in LOAD"TITLE",8,1 at the normal C64 prompt.

    WinVice's Monitor will pop-up again and you will see the following windows in Figure #3 (turn on disassembly, registers and console window). Obviously WinVice breaked execution at $02ED location (our breakpoint), right before our program executes its first command. You may enter m 01f6 01ff ($100+SP+1=$01F6) and m 0000 00ff to look at the current stack and Zeropage. You will find an excellent reference of the C64's Zeropage entries and Kernal Routines in "AAY64 - All_About_Your_64 - Online Help" [3].

    Figure #3: Disassembly of fastloader autostart area ($02ED routine), Stack+Zeropage dump.

    Explanation: Our program gets loaded to memory by the standard Kernal load routine $FFD5 (Load RAM From Device), starting at memory location $02ED (the load address of our program). While reading more bytes from 1541 disk to memory and storing them successively to memory, the Kernal load routine overwrites $0328/$0329 at some time (Kernal Run/Stop Vector). The Kernal load routine will call to the address at exactly that location each time a byte of our program is read from the 1541 drive. Default is a call to $F6ED routine, which checks if the Run/Stop key got pressed by the user to interrupt the loading of the file. Now it comes: $0328 remains unchanged (overwritten by $ED), next $0329 is set to $02, so the Run/Stop Vector then points to $02ED. The next call of the Kernal load routine to the Run/Stop Vector then executes our program at $02ED! Nice autostart trick!

    To speed up this tutorial a bit I will only summarize what our code at $02ED is doing now. "Step-over" (Debug - Step-over) and you will see, it is very simple! The loop $0304-$030B decrypts the code at $031A-$0327, see following Figure #4.

    Figure #4: Disassembly of fastloader autostart area after $031A-$0327 decryption.

    The now decrypted code is again a loop that continues the file loading process (our LOAD"TITLE",8,1) that got "interrupted" by the above misdirected call to the Run/Stop Vector. It uses calls to $FFA5 (Handshake Serial Byte In) to read and decrypt (backwardly) the rest of the program's first sector to $0200-$0258 ("$0200 routine") and $02B6-$030E ("initial $02B6 routine"). Then the $0310-BMI branches execution to $02B6.

    You may skip that whole reading+decrypting simply by setting a breakpoint to $02B6 (left-click line 02B6 and it will be marked red) and exit the Monitor (File - Exit). WinVice will pop-up again and you will see the following windows in Figure #5 (notice the stack, Zeropage and that special $02EF-$0336 memory location dumps).

    Figure #5: Disassembly of the initial $02B6 routine, memory dumps.

    The code at $02B6-$02D6 sends 2 commands to the 1541 drive. They're each initiated by calls to $FFB1 "Command Serial Bus LISTEN" and $FF93 "Send SA After Listen". The loop will send either command using $FFA8 "Handshake Serial Byte Out" byte-by-byte to the 1541. Then the $FFAE "Command Serial Bus UNLISTEN" is called.
    First command sent to the 1541 is "M-W" (memory block $02EF-$0309 = $1B bytes). The second is "M-E" (memory block $030A-$030E = 5 bytes), which will start the fastloader in 1541 memory. You can see both commands in the memory dump in above Figure #5.

    Explanation: If you look closer at the memory dump of the "M-E" command you will notice the directly following $07B0 address. This means the 1541 will execute code at $07B0 in its own memory. Currently Track 18, Sector 0 is loaded into 1541's memory at $0700-$07FF, and $07B0-$07BF (normally unused =$00, except for 40 track extended format) is that strange looking garbage you already noticed before (Figure #1). You may verify this in WinVice's Monitor: enter dev 8: to switch to 1541 memory mode, m 0700 07ff for memory dump, d 07b0 for disassembly and finally dev c: switches back to the C64.
    The "drive-code" executed at $07B0 is the fastloader (it's counterpart in 1541 memory to be more precise). What's happening there is beyond the scope of this tutorial. But if you're interested, you may trace through the code there by simply switching WinVice's disassembly window to Drive 8 (right-click into disassembly window). That 1541 tracing is something you cannot do on the C64 with the Retro Replay Cartridge and Cyberpunx ROM.
    You will find an easy intro on this "1541 Direct Access Programming" in the (german language) article "Direkte Programmierung der Floppy 1541" [8] and more details in "Inside Commodore DOS" [2]. "AAY1541 - All_About_Your_1541" [4] is an invaluable reference for the 1541's Zeropage and 1541's Kernal routines. And the "Kracker Jax Revealed Trilogy" [9] has technical details on the Rapidlok copy protection for the interested reader.

    Back to the C64's flow of execution (in WinVice): The $02DA-$02DF loop now waits on the $DD00 CIA2 "Data Port A" for some signal from the started fastloader in the 1541. When the signal is received, the next step is at location $02EC the call to $0200. Look at the disassembly of the $0200 routine in the following Figure #6.

    Figure #6: Disassembly of $0200 routine (PAL version), memory dumps from very first call.

    The $0200 routine is designed for 2 purposes (short summary): I'll call them the "$91 memory load mode", and the "$60 control mode" ($60=RTS assembler opcode). This is the actual data transfer routine, it communicates with the 1541 through the $DD00 CIA2 Data Port A (Serial Bus in this case). The $91 and $60 determine where this routine ends ($0200-STA $0241). Previous Figure #6 shows the routine in "$91 memory load mode" (because [$0241]=$91): it reads data in a loop, stores it successively to memory (address pointer $AE/$AF) and finally $020D-BMI branches to the end.
    If the $0200 routine is called in "$60 control mode" a return opcode is placed directly behind the actual byte loading code ([$0241]:=$60). So the loop code for reading multiple data bytes is avoided: Only 1 data byte is read from the 1541 and returned to the calling routine in register AC.
    If you're interested in the $DD00-transfer you can find information in the german language article "Bits der Reihe nach (Thema: serieller Bus, Programmierung der 1541)" [16].

    Ok, back to the flow of execution: As the $0200 routine is currently called with register AC=$91, we're in "$91 memory load mode". And as it's called for the first time, it will now $DD00-transfer the "general loading loop" from the 1541 to $02EF-$0312 memory location (and restore the original Kernal vectors at $0314-$0329) as well as the 2-part "exit-routine" to memory locations $02B6-$02E0 and $02E1-$02EC. When finished transferring (the $74=116d bytes) it will return to address $02EF, right behind from where it was called (the memory got overwritten with the new routines, so don't wonder where's the $0200 call).
    By the way: Those Kernal vectors get "restored" with default addresses. So if you have a modified Kernal with different vector addresses you may get into trouble here, because chances are good that the vectors will point to invalid code locations. The copy program we'll develop in Chapter 2.2 will try to compensate this. You may look into "AAY64 - All_About_Your_64 - Online Help v0.64" [3] for the standard Kernal vectors (see Zeropage entries).

    Important PAL/NTSC notice: In the above Figure #6 you see the PAL version of the fastloader. In the NTSC version of the game the two "NOP"s at $022A/$022B ($EA$EA) are exchanged by one "ASL $C3" command ($06$C3).
    The problem is that the 1541 CPU runs at 1 Mhz, but the C64 runs either slower (PAL: 0.9852484 MHz) or faster (NTSC: 1.022727 MHz). This has to be taken into account in order to read the correct data bytes from the 1541. The 1541 sends the data bytes at a specific rate without waiting for synchronization. The difference between correct PAL and NTSC timing is 1 clock cycle on the C64 side (the disk drive code is the same!). So if you put a PAL disk into a C64 running at NTSC speed, you have to slow down the loading code by 1 CPU cycle. This is done here by exchanging the two NOPs with one $06-ASL: A NOP instruction needs 2 CPU cycles (2 NOPs = 4 CPU cycles) and the $06-ASL instruction needs 5 CPU cycles. And if you put a NTSC disk into a C64 running at PAL speed, you need to speed up the loading code by exchanging the $06-ASL with two NOPs. You can use any instructions you want to adjust the timing. Of course, you need to make sure the exchanged instructions make some sense in the context of the fastloader (or are some sort of no-operation as the NOP).
    This is exactly the reason why a Pirates disk is not running on the "wrong" C64: because the timing is incorrect, mostly random junk bytes are read into the C64's memory. You have to explicitly tell WinVice the correct mode before starting this analysis (Options - Video standard): if there are 2 NOPs at $022A/$022B you have to enable "PAL-G" and if there's a "ASL $C3" you have to enable "NTSC-M". Unfortunately there's no hint on the Pirates disk label or the box saying if it's PAL or NTSC.
    You may want to look into "2-bit transfer protocol in an IRQ-loader" [15] for further information and "AAY64 - All_About_Your_64 - Online Help v0.64" [3] for the CPU cycle counts of the C64's instruction set.

    In the following Figure #7 you will see the "general loading loop" $02EF-$0312 and the 2-part "exit-routine" $02B6-$02E0, $02E1-$02EC (and the $02ED Basic "RUN"-token ($8A)).

    Figure #7: Disassembly of the $02EF "general loading loop" and the $02B6/$02E1 "exit-routines", memory dumps after return from first call to $0200 routine.

    Ok, we just returned to $02EF. It turns out that our copy of Track 18 is not sufficient for tracing through the following calls to $0200. So I will briefly summarize what's happening now.

    The "general loading loop" at $02EF-$0312

    The $02EF-$02F4 loop waits for the 1541 fastloader signalling if there is any more data to be transferred. If not, it will BVS-branch to exit-routine $02B6. Else there's data to transfer. At $02F6/$02F7 the return address is deleted from the stack (first time it's Kernal $F4FB "Load File From Serial Bus" artifact). Then 4 control-bytes will be read to the stack using "$60 control mode" calls to $0200 routine (loop $02FA-$0304). Those 4 bytes are first a 2-byte return address and second a 2-byte load address, both getting pushed onto the stack. Now we have a memory address to load incoming data to and a custom return address for the exit-routine.
    The load address will then be pulled from the stack (copied to $AE/$AF memory location) and at $030D the $0200 routine gets called in "$91 memory load mode". When it returns to $0310, $AE/$AF will hold the end address of the transferred data (nice, eh?). With the $0310 jump the $02EF-$02F4 loop waits again for the 1541 fastloader signalling if there is more data to be transferred.

    So the job of the whole $02EF-$0312 "general loading loop" is to get a signal from the 1541 fastloader if there's data to be transferred. If not, jump to exit-routine $02B6. Else get a custom return address and a loading address for the data and simply transfer it to that location. The "general loading loop" is endless until no more data is to be transferred. This way multiple blocks of data can be loaded to different memory locations using a single simple LOAD"...",8,1. They may even overlap each other. I've seen that if multiple files are getting in, they all have a return-address of $FFFF, except the last one having a legal one.

    The "exit-routines" at $02B6-$02E0, $02E1-$02EC

    Now to the $02B6 exit-routine: At $02BB-$02BE it will first overwrite the $0200 routine ($0200-$0258) in memory as it's no longer needed. The default value of the Zeropage memory location $9D "Error-Mode-Flag" is "$80 = Direct mode: Full Error Messages" and remains unchanged by the fastloader. So $02C2-BEQ and $02D4-BEQ don't branch. The carry flag remained unchanged since the last call to the $0200 routine, as there were no operations affecting that flag since the last call to that routine. Let's assume the carry flag is clear for the moment (the other case is analyzed in the following paragraph on error-handling). So $02C4-BCS won't branch but $02DA-BCC will. So the next essential step happens with the $02C6-JSR call to $E453 ("Initialize Vectors"), which restores the "Table of BASIC Vectors" at $0300-$030B. Next the $0318/$0319 "Vector: Hardware NMI Interrupt Address" gets restored (default value is $FE47) by $02CB-STX. Then the $2D/$2E "Pointer: Start of BASIC Variables" is set to the end-address (+1) of the last incoming file (stored in $AE/$AF, remember?). This is useful if the last incoming file was a Basic program. The $02E9-CLI now enables interrupts again (they were disabled by the $02D8-SEI at the beginning). Of course, because of the earlier discussed timing reasons the fastloader has to be located between SEI/CLI (so no interrupts can disturb the fastloader).
    So next is the RTS at $02E0. There're 4 possibilities here: $02DF, $02E0, $9528 and $FFFF as return address on the stack (you may check the Injector-Filecopy screen output in Chapter 2.2 for all possible return addresses). With $02DF the RTS will RTS onto itself and then RTS to the next return address on the stack, being $E177 (this goes back into the $E168-"Perform [load]"-routine: right after "Load RAM From Device" and right before the possible branch to "Perform [close]"). Most protected files on both Pirates disk sides have $02DF. The second, $02E0, will re-route execution to $02E1-$02EC exit-routine #2. There, "$02EC" is copied to $7A/$7B ("Pointer: Current Byte of BASIC Text") and it then jumps to the $0308-"Vector: BASIC Character dispatch Routine" to execute the Basic token at $02EC+1=$02ED: $8A=RUN. This is an autostart if the data loaded into memory is a Basic program (start address $0801). Only the file "TITLE" has $02E0. The third, $9528, re-routes execution to a custom routine which ends with a RTS. It occurs when the SID-files on disk side 2 get loaded. There's a disassembly of the routine in Chapter 4.2. The fourth return address, $FFFF, is not valid and gets immediately deleted by $02F6/$02F7-PLA's. If there are incoming shadow files, then all but the last one have $FFFF.

    A word on the error-handling

    First in the $02B6 exit-routine: The $02B8-BIT is a no-operation command here, it will only make sense if the carry flag is set. In that case $02C4 branches into the middle of that command, where the remaining 2 bytes of it "E6 09" are interpreted/disassembled as "INC $09". That means, the $02BB-$02BE loop will overwrite the $03xx area as well as the rest of the memory.
    The $02DC-$02DE however seem to repair a possibly corrupted stack if something went wrong in the $0200 routine (if carry flag is set). The stack pointer got saved to $C4 before at $02E4 code location right after the "M-W", "M-E" commands were sent to the 1541.
    And finally the $0300-BEQ to the exit-routine in the "general loading loop": It seems, it will branch if a control-byte could not be read inside the $0200 routine being in "$60 control mode". The register X is set to $00 by $0203-LDX, and decremented to $FF by $0207-DEX. Now, if a special $DD00 signal at $020A is received the $020D-BMI branches to the end of the $0200 routine. After returning the X register is immediately incremented to $00 ($02FF-INX). So no control byte was read and $0300-BEQ branches. I've never seen this happening.
    It seems these error-handlings are only interesting if the data to be loaded from disk is corrupt.


    By typing in LOAD"TITLE",8,1 we've fast-loaded the copy-protected "TITLE" program. There is only one cycle of the "general loading loop", reading the program to memory location $0801. It then gets autostarted through exit-routine #2 (it's a Basic program). So the game starts.
    Protected files can be detected very easy: they all have Track 18, Sector 18 as starting block, which is the fastloader. All other files (and there are a handful of them) can simply be copied without thinking. Unfortunately we could not trace thoroughly in WinVice. You may verify this however on your C64 using a Retro Replay Cartridge with Cyberpunx ROM (with $DD00 bugfixed ROM) and the injector program we'll develop in the following Chapter 2 which exploits the so far gained knowledge. I think the easiest way is to place endless-loops inside the injector program and then simply press the freeze button. Then you may inspect e.g. the stack or Zeropage. But keep in mind: if you suspend the fastloader between the SEI/CLI commands, it may very well not continue the loading as the 1541 code has only very few synchronization and does not wait.

    CHAPTER 2 - Filecopy

    We want to get a clean Pirates disk image in this Chapter. The idea is to use the fastloader to load a protected file into C64 memory and then simply save it. By looping over a number of filenames we can filecopy a whole protected disk.
    From the Analysis in Chapter 1 we know the exact code locations of the running fastloader where we can intercept and get the necessary address information of a file in memory. That means we will inject code into the running fastloader to grab that address information on-the-fly and taking care not letting the fastloader get to know there's something going on. Doing this in a loop we have to ensure the loaded files do not get autostarted or overwrite our own code, we must remain in control. We also need filenames. To keep things comfortable, we will use two 1541 disk drives: the files will be fast-loaded from drive 8, and saved to drive 9. If you have no second drive, it's possible to rewrite the code to change output to drive 8 and switch disks each time (after waiting for e.g. a keypress).

    I organized our project as follows: we need an injector routine grabbing the addresses (Chapter 2.1). Second we need a loop over the filenames that loads the files and saves them afterwards (Chapter 2.2).

    Chapter 2.1 - The Injector

    We begin with LOAD"TITLE",8,1 at C64's Basic prompt now, looking for the moment only how the code injection works. You may use the Injector independently with the Freezer of your Retro Replay Cartridge (with $DD00 bugfixed ROM) to manually dump the files. In Chapter 2.2 we will integrate it in a loop that loads all (protected) files from disk.
    We know from our Analysis: the Kernal load routine loads the fastloader to memory byte-by-byte, starting at its load address $02ED with current position in $AE/$AF. The Run/Stop Vector at $0329 is called each time a byte got written to memory, and overwriting it to point to $02ED will autostart the fastloader.
    As we don't want to break the loading process, there's really no need checking for Run/Stop. So if we misdirect the $0329 Vector to our Injector, we can manipulate the fastloader while its body gets loaded into memory. We can do this manipulation any time we want, but before $0329 gets written to, of course. A good time would be when $0328 is going to be overwritten, when the essential body of the fastloader is in memory: this is when $AE has a value of $28 (as we are exclusively playing with our fastloader, it's sufficient to check the lo-address of where the data bytes get written to). So take a look at the following code.

    Run/Stop from "Load RAM From Device" ($FFD5) comes in
    Purpose: Fastloader is loaded to $02ED..$0329. On writing $0328,
    inject misdirection to our handler.
    08ED A5 AE     LDA $AE
    08EF C9 28     CMP #$28   ; $0328 to be written?
    08F1 D0 1B     BNE $090E
    08F3 A9 22     LDA #$22   ;
    08F5 8D 11 03  STA $0311  ; $0328 to be written,
    08F8 A9 4C     LDA #$4C   ;
    08FA 8D 34 03  STA $0334  ;   misdirect $0310-BMI to $0334-$0336,
    08FD A9 10     LDA #$10   ;
    08FF 8D 35 03  STA $0335  ;     inject jump to $0910 handler below,
    0902 A9 09     LDA #$09   ;
    0904 8D 36 03  STA $0336  ;       restore $0329 Run/Stop Vector,
    0907 A9 F6     LDA #$F6   ;
    0909 8D 29 03  STA $0329  ;         and clear the zero flag.
    090C C9 55     CMP #$55   ;
    090E 60        RTS        ; continue "perform [load]".

    As you can see I chose to locate our Injector at $08ED. Of course, we have to set $0328/$0329 to point to $08ED before we start the above loading of "TITLE": a POKE809,8 at the C64's Basic prompt will do the job for this time ($329=809d).

    As long as $0328 does not get overwritten, we simply return (RTS) and continue the Kernal "perform [load]".

    We now want to pass the moment the $0200 routine and initial $02B6 routine are ok in memory. This is when the 2-byte $0310-BMI branches execution to $02B6. We cannot use a 2-byte-branch to our handler at $0910 as it's too far away. A glance at "AAY64 - All_About_Your_64 - Online Help" [3] documentation of the Extended Zeropage reveals that $0334-$033B is unused memory. So we misdirect $0310-BMI to $0334-$0336 ($08F3/$08F5 instructions in the code window above) and place a 3-byte-jump there to our handler below.
    [ It's not really necessary to restore the Run/Stop Vector with it's original value $F6, but we do it here. $F6 is the default value but it may be different on systems with a modified Kernal. So the "LDA $F6" assembler command gets updated (overwritten) later in Chapter 2.2 with the correct value for your system.
    We also have to clear the zero flag (e.g. CMP #$55), as we don't want to signal a Run/Stop. Then we return (RTS) to continue the Kernal "perform [load]". ]

    Now we only have to wait until our $0910 handler in the code window below gets executed.

    Misdirection $0310-BMI comes in
    Purpose: init #load,SP. Misdirect $024B (right after the "general
    loading loop" and the 2 "exit-routines" got loaded + decrypted).
    0910 A9 00     LDA #$00
    0912 8D EB 08  STA $08EB  ; #load:= 0 (number of so far loaded shadow files)
    0915 A9 E9     LDA #$E9
    0917 8D EC 08  STA $08EC  ; init SP (top of stack is $08E9, decreasing)
    091A A9 10     LDA #$10
    091C 8D EA 08  STA $08EA  ; $1000 = load address of first file coming in
    091F EA        NOP
    0920 AD A6 02  LDA $02A6  ; $02A6 Flag: TV Standard: $00 = NTSC, $01 = PAL
    0923 F0 0B     BEQ $0930
    0925 A9 EA     LDA #$EA   ; PAL system detected
    0927 8D 2A 02  STA $022A  ;   2 CPU cycles per "NOP" operation = 4 CPU cycles
    092A 8D 2B 02  STA $022B  ;
    092D 4C 3B 09  JMP $093B
    0930 A9 06     LDA #$06   ; NTSC system detected
    0932 8D 2A 02  STA $022A  ;   "ASL $C3" operation = 5 CPU cycles
    0935 A9 C3     LDA #$C3   ;
    0937 8D 2B 02  STA $022B  ;
    093A EA        NOP
    093B A9 4C     LDA #$4C   ;
    093D 8D 4B 02  STA $024B  ;
    0940 A9 4F     LDA #$4F   ; misdirect $024B to handler below.
    0942 8D 4C 02  STA $024C  ;
    0945 A9 09     LDA #$09   ;
    0947 8D 4D 02  STA $024D  ;
    094A EA        NOP
    094B 4C B6 02  JMP $02B6

    For the moment just keep in mind that "#load:= 0", "init SP" and that "$1000 = load address" stuff. It's the initialization of our address stack. I'll go into detail later.
    The $0920-$0937 code is the PAL/NTSC detection. If a PAL C64 system is detected ([$02A6]=$01), 2 NOPs have to be placed inside the fastloader at $022A/$022B location (see Chapter 1 - Analysis). On NTSC C64 systems ([$02A6]=$00) the "ASL $C3" will be placed at that location. This makes sure that the fastloader will work under any circumstances. The $02A6 value will be determined and set in Chapter 2.2 by a selfmade PAL/NTSC detection routine. You may check "AAY64 - All_About_Your_64 - Online Help" [3] on this $02A6 flag.

    Ok, back to the flow of execution: Now that the $0310-BMI should have branched to $02B6, the $0200 routine and the initial $02B6 routine are ok in memory. The next relevant part of the fastloader's code is the first call to the $0200 routine in "$91 memory load mode" at $02EC. This routine will read and decrypt the "general loading loop" (amongst others) which we want to get our hands on as we can grab the files' loading address information there.
    If we intercept that $0200 routine just before it returns, we are free to do whatever we want with the "general loading loop" in memory. So we place a jump to our handler below at code address $024B (remembering the overwritten original bytes of course). Then we continue execution at $02B6 and simply wait until execution passes to our handler (see code window below).

    Misdirection $024B comes in
    Purpose: misdirect $0309 (pre load, start address + RTS on stack/registers)
    and $0310 (load complete, end address on stack) to handlers below.
    094F A2 84     LDX #$84   ;
    0951 8E 4B 02  STX $024B  ;
    0954 A2 AE     LDX #$AE   ; restore code at $024B location.
    0956 8E 4C 02  STX $024C  ;
    0959 A2 29     LDX #$29   ;
    095B 8E 4D 02  STX $024D  ;
    095E EA        NOP
    095F A2 32     LDX #$32   ;
    0961 8E 01 03  STX $0301  ; misdirect $0301 to $0334..$0336-lock
    0964 A2 4C     LDX #$4C   ;
    0966 8E 34 03  STX $0334  ;   jump-lock to prevent autostart or so
    0969 A2 34     LDX #$34   ;
    096B 8E 35 03  STX $0335  ;     (needs further stack analysis if occurs)
    096E A2 03     LDX #$03   ;
    0970 8E 36 03  STX $0336  ;
    0973 EA        NOP
    0974 A2 4C     LDX #$4C   ;
    0976 8E 09 03  STX $0309  ; misdirect $0309 to address logging handler below
    0979 A2 93     LDX #$93   ;
    097B 8E 0A 03  STX $030A  ;   (4 control bytes read: start address + RTS)
    097E A2 09     LDX #$09   ;
    0980 8E 0B 03  STX $030B  ;
    0983 EA        NOP
    0984 A2 B6     LDX #$B6   ;
    0986 8E 11 03  STX $0311  ; misdirect $310 to address logging handler below
    0989 A2 09     LDX #$09   ;   ($0200-load complete: end address on stack)
    098B 8E 12 03  STX $0312  ;
    098E EA        NOP
    098F 4C 4B 02  JMP $024B

    OK, we've intercepted the $0200 routine just before it returns. The "general loading loop" and the 2 "exit-routines" are ok in memory now.

    We first have to restore the 3 original bytes of code at the end of the $0200 routine ($024B-$024D). Then we place interception jumps to our address logging handlers at the neural positions of the "general loading loop".
    As stated earlier in error-handling, the $0300-BEQ may lead to an unexpected exit. So we dead-lock it: we manipulate its target address to point to the known $0334-$0336 area, where we place an endless jump onto itself. If something's wrong, remember that.
    Second interception to place is a jump to the $0993 address logging handler below: we place it at $0309-$030B (remembering the original code there). It will log the files' start addresses.
    Third we place a jump to our $09B6 address logging handler: we overwrite the 3-byte existing jump at $0310-$0312 to point to our handler (here we only have to remember where the original jump goes to: $02EF).

    We're now in full control of the fastloader's loading process. We now continue execution at $024B and only have to wait until a file gets loaded, and then store the start/end addresses somewhere. So take a look at the handler logging the start addresses in the code window below.

    Misdirection $0309 comes in (4 control bytes read)
    Purpose: get start address where file gets loaded to, and log it to
    our stack for later dump. Change first start address to $10xx.
    0993 EE EB 08  INC $08EB   ; inc(#load), the incoming count
    0996 AC EC 08  LDY $08EC   ; get SP
    0999 99 00 08  STA $0800,Y ; store original start hi-addr
    099C 88        DEY
    099D AD EA 08  LDA $08EA   ; get next >>available<< start hi-addr,
    09A0 85 AF     STA $AF     ;   copy it as load address to $AF,
    09A2 99 00 08  STA $0800,Y ;     and store it to our stack (for later dump).
    09A5 88        DEY
    09A6 68        PLA         ; orig. statement
    09A7 99 00 08  STA $0800,Y ; store start lo-addr
    09AA 88        DEY
    09AB 8C EC 08  STY $08EC   ; save SP
    09AE A8        TAY         ; orig. statement
    09AF A9 91     LDA #$91    ; orig. statement
    09B1 EA        NOP
    09B2 4C 0D 03  JMP $030D

    The address stack

    The $0993 handler above will retrieve and store the start address of the file currently getting loaded. We have to store this information somewhere: I chose the location right before $08ED (start of our Injector). As we have to expect several incoming files, I constructed a stack: the number of so far loaded files is stored at $08EB (initially set to zero, remember?), our current stack pointer is stored at $08EC (initially pointing to the first free place: $08E9, remember?), and the next available load hi-address for an incoming file is stored at $08EA (initially pointing to $10xx, remember too?). Our initial stack looks as follows.

    08EC: E9 (our stack pointer SP: 08E9)
    08EB: 00 (number of files on stack)
    08EA: 10 (next available load hi-address)
    08E9: <--SP

    We know from our Analysis that the start address of a file to be loaded is on the stack at fastloader's code location $0306. As we intercept at $0309, the hi-address just got pop'ed from stack into the AC register and written to $AF. The lo-address is now the next/top value on the stack. As we know where the values are, we can now make use of them. (Of course, we have to remember to execute the original statements we overwrote.)

    The start address $yyxx of the first incoming program is relocated to $10xx (for simplicity only hi-address changes to $10, we don't change lo-address). But we need to remember the file's original start address for later saving: we first store the original hi-address to our stack (and decrement SP by 1). Then the relocated start address gets stored: first hi-address (+ decrement SP), then lo-address (+ decrement SP). The original and relocated hi-addresses get stored to our stack even if they're equal.

    Example: Imagine the current file wants to get loaded to $0801. So we store the original $08 to the stack first, then we store $10 to our stack, followed by its lo-address $01. Of course, the SP has to be decremented each time. The file gets effectively loaded to address $1001 instead of $0801. See below how the stack looks now.

    08EC: E6 (our updated stack pointer SP: 08E6)
    08EB: 01 (number of files that came in so far)
    08EA: 10 (next available load hi-address)
    08E9: 08 (original hi start-address)
    08E8: 10 (relocated hi start-address)
    08E7: 01 (original lo start-address)
    08E6: <--SP

    If we change the start address, we have to tell it the fastloader: we store it (initially $10) at $AF, that's it. After we've logged the start address to our stack and executed the overwritten original code, we return execution to $030D. The fastloader will now call the $0200 routine in "$91 memory load mode" loading the file to the relocated start address. When it's finished loading, our $0310 interception will redirect execution to our $09B6 address logging handler below.

    Misdirection $0310 comes in (after $0200-load complete)
           (this routine does not change carry flag value!)
    Purpose: $0200-load is complete, copy end address from $AE/$AF to our
    stack for later dump. Increment stack-file-counter, as we are in a loop.
    Copy original RTS-address on stack to our own stack and change it to
    prevent autostart in $02B6 exit-routines
    09B6 AA        TAX         ; save AC register value
    09B7 AC EC 08  LDY $08EC   ; get SP
    09BA A5 AF     LDA $AF     ; get end hi-addr,
    09BC 8D EA 08  STA $08EA   ;   store to $AF and increment $AF
    09BF EE EA 08  INC $08EA   ;     (for next available start address)
    09C2 99 00 08  STA $0800,Y ; store end hi-addr
    09C5 88        DEY
    09C6 A5 AE     LDA $AE     ; get end lo-addr
    09C8 99 00 08  STA $0800,Y ; store end lo-addr
    09CB 88        DEY
    09CC 68        PLA         ; get original (lo) RTS-address
    09CD 99 00 08  STA $0800,Y ;   and copy it to our stack
    09D0 88        DEY
    09D1 68        PLA         ; get original (hi) RTS-address
    09D2 99 00 08  STA $0800,Y ;   and copy it to our stack
    09D5 88        DEY
    09D6 8C EC 08  STY $08EC   ; save SP
    09D9 A9 02     LDA #$02
    09DB 48        PHA         ; set new RTS-address: $02DF
    09DC A9 DF     LDA #$DF    ;   and push it onto stack
    09DE 48        PHA
    09DF 8A        TXA         ; restore AC register value
    09E0 EA        NOP
    09E1 4C EF 02  JMP $02EF

    At fastloader's $0310 code location, $AE/$AF will hold the end address (+1) of the file in memory. So our $09B6 handler above simply grabs it and stores it to our stack: first the hi-address from $AF, then the lo-address from $AE. As we have to assume more files coming in, we increment the hi-part by 1 and store it to $08EA. The next incoming file will use that value for its relocated hi load-address, so the files follow each other without wasting too much memory.
    As we don't want the loaded file to be autostarted (imagine what may happen if we let a loaded program get executed before we dump it), we have to edit the return-address (located on top of the cpu stack) before we jump back: we simply pull the 2 bytes from the cpu stack, copy it to our stack (first lo-address, then hi-address) and push $02DF (first hi-address $02, then lo-address $DF) in exchange.

    Example: Imagine the file's end address in memory is $09FF and it's RTS-address is $02E0. Then see below how the stack would look like now.

    08EC: E2 (our updated stack pointer SP: 08E2)
    08EB: 01 (number of files that came in so far)
    08EA: 12 (next available load hi-address)
    08E9: 08 (original hi start-address)
    08E8: 10 (relocated hi start-address)
    08E7: 01 (original lo start-address)
    08E6: 11 (hi end-address)
    08E5: FF (lo end-address)
    08E4: E0 (original (lo) RTS-address)
    08E3: 02 (original (hi) RTS-address)
    08E2: <--SP

    With the $09E1-jump execution is passed back to the fastloader. The $02EF-$02F4 loop then waits again for the 1541 fastloader signalling if there is more data to be transferred.

    That's it. As we're still in full control of the "general loading loop", the next file can come in. Its address information will be stored at the last stack pointer's location, successively decreasing it.


    With our enabled Injector in memory, we can fast-load a single file from the Basic prompt, edit its start address and log the boundary addresses as well as its return-address to our address stack. With this address stack we can also handle multiple files coming in, and they won't overwrite each other in memory. By editing the return address on the stack we can prevent a file from getting autostarted, so we'll simply return to the Basic prompt after loading has finished. Now we are ready to loop over a number of files.
    There's one detail concerning the Injector I didn't tell you so far: we wanted to take care not letting the fastloader get to know there's something going on. This especially means we must not corrupt the fastloader's loading process. So by taking some glances at the fastloader's code and our injected handlers you'll notice that I always saved the original register values - that which are crucial for the fastloaders ongoing work - on entering the handlers, and restoring them on passing execution back to the fastloader. The $09B6 end/RTS-address logging handler must also maintain the status of the carry flag from the $0200 routine as it's crucial for the flow of execution in the $02B6 exit-routine.
    We should also be happy that the Injector actually works. As outlined in Analysis the timing between the SEI/CLI commands is crucial for the operation of the fastloader. So be careful not to inject too much or "very" time-consuming code if you want to try something.

    Chapter 2.2: The Filecopy Loop

    In this paragraph we will loop over a number of filenames, load each file and save it afterwards using the memory addresses on our address stack (collected by our Injector). For each file there may come in multiple files, so we'll append numbers to the filename on saving if necessary.
    Ther (german) article "Floppyprogrammierung - von (A)ssembler bis (B)asic" [21] gives an overview over the file handling in assembler.
    We'll start with a screenshot of the working Injector-Filecopy-Program, as a picture tells more than 1000 words (the 73 is simply my internal build number).

    Figure #8: Screen outputs of PirCopy73Side1 (left) + PirCopy73Side2 (right).

    We locate our filecopy loop code at memory location $0A28, so we can start it with a SYS2600 from the C64's Basic prompt. Be sure you restart the C64 before running this copy program (turn power off and on) to reset the memory (especially the CHROUT and Run/Stop Kernal vectors).
    We have 2 sets of filenames: one for each Pirates disk side, located at address $0D00, so we have to switch between them.
    The following code window shows the whole main program loop. It's really simple and really short.

    Program entry point (sys 2600)
    Purpose: entry point from BASIC prompt to start file reading and dumping
    in a loop. start program here with "sys 2600" (after a C64 restart)!
    0A28 20 20 0C  JSR $0C20   ; PAL/NTSC detection
    0A2B 20 80 0A  JSR $0A80   ; Filename pointer initialization, save some Kernal vectors
    0A2E 20 A0 0A  JSR $0AA0   ; Get/copy/print next filename from $0D00+ to $033C/screen
    0A31 AD 3C 03  LDA $033C   ; len(filename)
    0A34 D0 01     BNE $0A37
    0A36 60        RTS         ; len(filename)=0, so no more files to read+dump. Return to BASIC.
    0A37 20 D0 0A  JSR $0AD0   ; Load "filename"
    0A3A 20 CC FF  JSR $FFCC   ; CLRCHN: restore output channel to screen
    0A3D A9 20     LDA #$20
    0A3F 20 D2 FF  JSR $FFD2   ; CHROUT "_" (space)
    0A42 AC 3C 03  LDY $033C   ; len(original filename)
    0A45 8C 3D 03  STY $033D   ; len(temporary "shadow" filenames)
    0A48 CE EB 08  DEC $08EB   ; dec(#load)
    0A4B 10 03     BPL $0A50   ; >=0 ?
    0A4D 4C 5E 0A  JMP $0A5E   ; <0 -> address-stack empty -> finishloadfile
    0A50 F0 03     BEQ $0A55
    0A52 20 B0 0B  JSR $0BB0   ; Append # for shadow files
    0A55 20 D0 0B  JSR $0BD0   ; Print RTS address
    0A58 20 20 0B  JSR $0B20   ; Create file and dump from memory
    0A5B 4C 3A 0A  JMP $0A3A   ; -> shadowloop
    0A5E 20 90 0B  JSR $0B90   ; FinishLoadFile
    0A61 4C 2E 0A  JMP $0A2E   ; -> nextfile

    First, we determine if we're on a PAL or NTSC system (JSR $0C20) as this is crucial for the fastloader. We'll examine the detection routine after the other (more important) ones.

    Next, the filename pointer gets initialized by JSR $0A80. Zeropage location $FB/$FC is unused, so we use it as a pointer in/to the current filename (see code window below). The filenames have to be null-terminated, and the whole list of filenames must also be null-terminated itself (i.e. 2 zeros after the last filename). We also save the current/original Kernal CHROUT + Run/Stop vectors: we copy those addresses directly into assembler commands used for restoring them later in the $0AD0 LoadFile-Subroutine and the Injector in Chapter 2.1.

    0A80 A9 00     LDA #$00    ; init memory filename pointer
    0A82 85 FB     STA $FB     ;
    0A84 A9 0D     LDA #$0D    ;   $FB/$FC to $0D00.
    0A86 85 FC     STA $FC     ;
    0A88 AD 26 03  LDA $0326   ; save original Kernal CHROUT + Run/Stop vectors
    0A8B 8D FF 0A  STA $0AFF   ;
    0A8E AD 27 03  LDA $0327   ;   into the assembler commands at $0AFE/$0B03/$0B08/$0907
    0A91 8D 04 0B  STA $0B04   ;
    0A94 AD 29 03  LDA $0329   ;      for later restore.
    0A97 8D 08 09  STA $0908   ;
    0A9A 8D 09 0B  STA $0B09   ;
    0A9D 60        RTS 

    In the following code window you see the JSR $0AA0 subroutine: The current filename is copied from $0D00+ location to $033E and the length of the filename is stored to $033C. While the filename is copied, it will be output to the screen using $FFD2 "CHROUT" routine for user's convenience. If a file was read+saved, the execution passes to here again, to continue the loop with the next filename.

    0AA0 A9 00     LDA #$00
    0AA2 8D 3C 03  STA $033C   ; len(filename):= 0
    0AA5 A9 3E     LDA #$3E    ;
    0AA7 85 AE     STA $AE     ; current filename will be copied to $033E,
    0AA9 A9 03     LDA #$03    ;   -> $AE/$AF.
    0AAB 85 AF     STA $AF     ;
    0AAD A0 00     LDY #$00    ; Y:= 0
    0AAF EA        NOP
    0AB0 B1 FB     LDA ($FB),Y ;
    0AB2 F0 13     BEQ $0AC7   ;
    0AB4 EE 3C 03  INC $033C   ; copy current filename
    0AB7 91 AE     STA ($AE),Y ;
    0AB9 20 D2 FF  JSR $FFD2   ;   from $FB/$FC=$0D00+
    0ABC E6 FB     INC $FB     ;
    0ABE D0 02     BNE $0AC2   ;     to $AE/$AF=$033E
    0AC0 E6 FC     INC $FC     ;
    0AC2 E6 AE     INC $AE     ;       and CHROUT it to screen.
    0AC4 4C B0 0A  JMP $0AB0   ;
    0AC7 60        RTS

    After returning from the above NextFile-Subroutine to our main routine we check if the current/returned filename is legal. If the length is zero, we've reached the end of the list of filenames (as it's terminated by 2 zeros) and so we end our filecopy program by returning to the Basic prompt ($0A36-RTS).
    Else we have a valid filename at $033E and its nonzero length at $033C. So we load the file ($0A37: JSR $0AD0, see following code window).

    0AD0 A9 0D     LDA #$0D    ; misdirect Kernal CHROUT vector
    0AD2 8D 26 03  STA $0326   ;   to our $0B0D=RTS below.
    0AD5 A9 0B     LDA #$0B    ;   -> No screen output during Kernal load!
    0AD7 8D 27 03  STA $0327   ;
    0ADA EA        NOP
    0ADB A9 00     LDA #$00    ; our file number: #0
    0ADD A2 08     LDX #$08    ; drive 8
    0ADF A0 01     LDY #$01
    0AE1 20 BA FF  JSR $FFBA   ; SETLFS
    0AE4 AD 3C 03  LDA $033C   ; len(filename)
    0AE7 A2 3E     LDX #$3E    ; lo(@filename)
    0AE9 A0 03     LDY #$03    ; hi(@filename)
    0AEE A9 08     LDA #$08
    0AF0 8D 29 03  STA $0329   ; enable our Injector
    0AF3 A9 00     LDA #$00    ; 0=load
    0AF5 20 D5 FF  JSR $FFD5   ; Load RAM From Device
    0AF8 A9 00     LDA #$00
    0AFA 20 C3 FF  JSR $FFC3   ; CLOSE #0
    0AFD EA        NOP 
    0AFE A9 CA     LDA #$CA    ;
    0B00 8D 26 03  STA $0326   ; restore Kernal CHROUT + Run/Stop vectors
    0B03 A9 F1     LDA #$F1    ;
    0B05 8D 27 03  STA $0327   ;   to original address (values here modified
    0B08 A9 F6     LDA #$F6    ;
    0B0A 8D 29 03  STA $0329   ;     by above commands $0A88-$0A9A).
    0B0D 60        RTS

    As we don't want the Kernal load routine output its loading progress to the screen, we misdirect the CHROUT vector $0326/$0327 to point to a RTS (e.g. $0B0D) and restore it after closing the file (setting the $9D Error-Mode-Flag to $00 would do the same, but would influence the branches in the fastloader's $02B6 exit-routine). Then we simply use the standard Kernal functions "SETLFS", "SETNAM" and "Load RAM From Device", "CLOSE" to load the actual file (filename at $033C location) and close it afterwards. Of course, we enable our Injector before loading by setting $0329:= $08, so we don't have to POKE this from the Basic prompt anymore. Finally we restore the $0328/$0329 Run/Stop vector with the original address we saved earlier at $0A94/$0A9A.
    We initially saved the Kernal CHROUT + Run/Stop vectors in the $0A80 Init-Subroutine and restore them here after each file-load because the fastloader overwrites them with "default" addresses which may be invalid if you have a modified Kernal. The Kernal vectors could also have been meddled with by programs you started earlier, so you should restart your C64 before running this copy program (turn power off and on) to reset the memory.

    By calling the Kernal $FFD5 "Load RAM From Device" routine, our enabled Injector came to life via the Run/Stop Vector and filled our address stack. Now as the loading has finished, we got one or more shadow-file(s) in memory. The $08EB memory value ("#load") tells us how many, and our stack holds the address information for each file. So we simply have to save the memory areas in a loop now: this is done within the loop named "shadowloop" ($0A3A-$0A5B commands). If there's more than one file, we need to distinguish them somehow, because they would all have the same filename! We use the $08EB value for this, decrementing it each time first ($0A48: DEC $08EB) and then appending it's ASCII representation to the filename ($0A52: JSR $0BB0). If the decremented value is zero (a zero would be appended), no number will be appended. If it's below zero, all files got saved and the FinishLoadFile-cleanup can take place ($0A4D: JMP $0A5E). There's also a RTS-address stored for each file: We print it to the screen everytime, revealing which files need further awareness ($0A55: JSR $0BD0).

    The following routine ($0A52: JSR $0BB0) appends the ASCII representation of the current $08EB value to the filename located at $033E and also prints it to the screen (followed by a ":"=$3A). The numbering is limited to 10 shadow files for simplicity, but this is completely sufficient here.

    0BB0 AD EB 08  LDA $08EB   ; #load
    0BB3 69 30     ADC #$30    ; asc(#load)="0".."9"
    0BB5 AC 3C 03  LDY $033C   ; len(filename)
    0BB8 99 3E 03  STA $033E,Y ; filename[len+1]:= asc(#load)
    0BBB C8        INY
    0BBC 8C 3D 03  STY $033D   ; new len(filename):= y+1
    0BBF 20 D2 FF  JSR $FFD2   ; CHROUT asc(#load) to screen
    0BC2 A9 3A     LDA #$3A
    0BC4 20 D2 FF  JSR $FFD2   ; CHROUT ":"=$3A to screen
    0BC7 60        RTS 

    Next, the RTS-address gets printed to the screen ($0A55: JSR $0BD0). The following code window shows the screen-printing subroutine doing this.

    0BD0 AC EC 08  LDY $08EC   ; get SP
    0BD3 C8        INY
    0BD4 B9 00 08  LDA $0800,Y ; get RTS hi-address
    0BD7 20 F0 0B  JSR $0BF0   ; output it to screen (call routine below)
    0BDA C8        INY
    0BDB B9 00 08  LDA $0800,Y ; get RTS lo-address
    0BDE 20 F0 0B  JSR $0BF0   ; output it to screen (call routine below)
    0BE1 8C EC 08  STY $08EC   ; save SP
    0BE4 60        RTS
    0BF0 48        PHA         ; save output value
    0BF1 4A        LSR         ; shift output
    0BF2 4A        LSR         ;   value 4 bits
    0BF3 4A        LSR         ;     to the right:
    0BF4 4A        LSR         ;       $xy -> $0x
    0BF5 20 FF 0B  JSR $0BFF   ; convert to ASCII and print to screen (call routine below)
    0BF8 68        PLA         ; pull output value
    0BF9 29 0F     AND #$0F    ; get other half: ($xy and #$0f) = $0y
    0BFB 20 FF 0B  JSR $0BFF   ; convert to ASCII and print to screen (call routine below)
    0BFE 60        RTS         ; return to PrintRTS-Subroutine above
    0BFF C9 0A     CMP #$0A
    0C01 B0 05     BCS $0C08
    0C03 69 30     ADC #$30    ; value 0..9 -> +$30 -> character "0".."9"
    0C05 4C 0A 0C  JMP $0C0A
    0C08 69 36     ADC #$36    ; value 10..15 -> +$36(+1) -> character "A".."F"
    0C0A 20 D2 FF  JSR $FFD2   ; CHROUT the ASCII character to screen
    0C0D 60        RTS         ; return to HexbyteOutput

    The above routine retrieves our stack pointer (located at $08EC), pops the 2 bytes defining the RTS-address (first hi, then lo-byte) and prints them to the screen.
    Example: Let RTS=$9528. First $95 is popped from our stack and pushed to the cpu stack ($0BD4+$0BF0 commands). The 4 LSR's right-shift it to a $09. As it's a number <10, $30 is added and we have the "9"=$39 ASCII representation. The $FFD2 Kernal routine ("CHROUT") prints the "9" to the screen. Then we pop the value $95 from the cpu stack: $95 AND #$0F = $05. Again a number <10, so add $30 and we get a "5"=$35 printed to the screen.
    Then the $28 is popped from our stack at $0BDB. It's handled completely analogous. If a number >=10 is detected, $37 has to be added, so we get the letters "A".."F" (the ADC at $0C08 adds $36 and a 1 as the carry flag is set!).

    In the following code window the file is created for saving on drive 9, using the standard Kernal functions SETLFS, SETNAM, OPEN, CHKOUT ($0A58: JSR $0B20). The original load address of the file is written first to the file (first lo-address, then hi-address). The start (end) addresses are fetched from our address stack and copied to $AC/$AD ($AE/$AF), preparing the saving-loop for the actual file data.

    0B20 A9 02     LDA #$02    ; dump file number: #2
    0B22 A2 09     LDX #$09    ; drive 9
    0B24 A0 01     LDY #$01    ; std. save channel
    0B26 20 BA FF  JSR $FFBA   ; SETLFS
    0B29 AD 3D 03  LDA $033D   ; len(temp-filename)
    0B2C A2 3E     LDX #$3E    ; lo(@filename)
    0B2E A0 03     LDY #$03    ; hi(@filename)
    0B30 20 BD FF  JSR $FFBD   ; SETNAM
    0B33 20 C0 FF  JSR $FFC0   ; OPEN
    0B36 A2 02     LDX #$02
    0B38 20 C9 FF  JSR $FFC9   ; CHKOUT: define #2 as "output channel"
    0B3B EA        NOP
    0B3C AC EC 08  LDY $08EC   ; get SP (CHROUT does not change Y register)
    0B3F C8        INY
    0B40 B9 00 08  LDA $0800,Y ; file's lo end-address
    0B43 85 AE     STA $AE
    0B45 C8        INY
    0B46 B9 00 08  LDA $0800,Y ; file's hi end-address
    0B49 85 AF     STA $AF
    0B4B C8        INY
    0B4C B9 00 08  LDA $0800,Y ; file's lo start-address
    0B4F 85 AC     STA $AC
    0B51 20 D2 FF  JSR $FFD2   ; CHROUT: send lo start (load address!)
    0B54 C8        INY
    0B55 B9 00 08  LDA $0800,Y ; file's hi start-address
    0B58 85 AD     STA $AD
    0B5A C8        INY
    0B5B B9 00 08  LDA $0800,Y ; (original) hi start-address
    0B5E EA        NOP
    0B5F 20 D2 FF  JSR $FFD2   ; CHROUT: send (original) hi start (load address!)
    0B62 8C EC 08  STY $08EC   ; save SP (CHROUT did not change Y register)

    The output file is created and open by now, the load address got streamed into the file, and the boundary addresses of the current file are fetched from our address stack and copied to the saving-loop's variables. We're ready to save the file.

    The following loop now writes the actual file data in memory to the file and closes it afterwards:
    First, the read pointer in $AC/$AD is checked if it's already reached the end address ($FCD1 "Check Read / Write Pointer"). If not, we have to get the current byte from memory and write it to the file: we disable interrupts, switch to RAM mode, get the byte from RAM and push it, restore standard ROM mode, enable interrupts again, pop the byte, write it to the file using Kernal routine $FFD2 "CHROUT" and then increment the memory pointer $AC/$AD ($FCDB "Bump Read / Write Pointer"). Then continue with the next byte.
    (We've to disable interrupts meanwhile, because if e.g. some interrupt occurs, the handler may wonder where the Kernal ROM has gone.)

    If the last byte was written to the file (i.e. end address reached), we $FFC3 "CLOSE" the file and return from the subroutine.

    0B65 A0 00     LDY #$00    ; init Y:=0
    0B67 EA        NOP
    0B68 20 D1 FC  JSR $FCD1   ; Check Read / Write Pointer
    0B6B B0 17     BCS $0B84
    0B6D 78        SEI         ; disable Interrupts
    0B6E A9 35     LDA #$35
    0B70 85 01     STA $01     ; enable RAM: $8000-$BFFF,$E000-$FFFF
    0B72 B1 AC     LDA ($AC),Y ; get next byte (from RAM now!)
    0B74 48        PHA         ; push to CPU stack
    0B75 A9 37     LDA #$37
    0B77 85 01     STA $01     ; enable ROM again (default=$37)
    0B79 58        CLI         ; enable Interrupts again
    0B7A 68        PLA         ; pull from CPU stack
    0B7B 20 D2 FF  JSR $FFD2   ; CHROUT: next byte
    0B7E 20 DB FC  JSR $FCDB   ; Bump Read / Write Pointer
    0B81 D0 E5     BNE $0B68
    0B83 EA        NOP
    0B84 A9 02     LDA #$02
    0B86 20 C3 FF  JSR $FFC3   ; CLOSE #2
    0B89 60        RTS

    If we saved all files in queue from our stack, we have to close the file a second time from which we loaded. I don't know the reason for this, but if we skip this, every second file to be loaded will be skipped because the Kernal $FFD5 "Load RAM From Device" does not work.
    For convenience reasons we print a "." followed by a carriage-return to the screen, right after the filename to signal the user the file's been saved. Finally we have to increment the filename pointer at $0D00+ to point to the beginning of the next filename (or to zero if there are no more in the list), then we return to the main-loop for the next file to be loaded. See code window below for the LoadFile-cleanup ($0A5E: JSR $0B90).

    0B90 A9 00     LDA #$00
    0B92 20 C3 FF  JSR $FFC3   ; CLOSE #0 again, problems if skipped!
    0B95 20 CC FF  JSR $FFCC   ; CLRCHN: restore output channel to screen
    0B98 A9 2E     LDA #$2E
    0B9A 20 D2 FF  JSR $FFD2   ; CHROUT: "." to screen (after filename)
    0B9D A9 0D     LDA #$0D
    0B9F 20 D2 FF  JSR $FFD2   ; CHROUT: CR to screen
    0BA2 E6 FB     INC $FB     ; memory filename pointer increment
    0BA4 D0 02     BNE $0BA8
    0BA6 E6 FC     INC $FC
    0BA8 60        RTS

    If all files in our $0D00+ list were loaded and saved, our filecopy ends with the $0A36-RTS inside the main-loop. We then return to the Basic prompt.

    Finally there's one routine missing: the PAL/NTSC detection. We need an extra routine because the $02A6 value (Flag: TV Standard: $00 = NTSC, $01 = PAL) is unreliable. The main problem is, that this value is set by the Kernal after a reset only and could be meddled with by e.g. an earlier loaded random application which doesn't care about Kernal variables. See code window below ($0A28: JSR $0C20).

    PAL/NTSC detection:
    0C20 78        SEI         ; disable interrupts
    0C21 AD 12 D0  LDA $D012   ; get current raster line
    0C24 D0 FB     BNE $0C21   ; wait for raster line 0 or 256
    0C26 AD 11 D0  LDA $D011   ; is raster beam in the area
    0C29 10 FB     BPL $0C26   ;   0-255? if yes, wait until we are at raster line 256
    0C2B AD 12 D0  LDA $D012
    0C2E C9 37     CMP #$37
    0C30 D0 F9     BNE $0C2B   ; wait for bottom PAL raster line (55d, 256+55=311)
    0C32 AD 11 D0  LDA $D011   ; most significant bit (MSB) is raster line bit 9
    0C35 2A        ROL         ; MSB -> carry flag
    0C36 2A        ROL         ;        carry flag -> bit 1
    0C37 29 01     AND #$01    ; zero out all but bit 1
    0C39 8D A6 02  STA $02A6   ;   and store to [$02A6] ($00 = NTSC, $01 = PAL)
    0C3C 58        CLI         ; enable interrupts again
    0C3D 60        RTS

    First some background on the C64 display properties:
    The normal display area has 25 rows (and 40 characters per row). Each row consists of 8 lines called "scan lines" or "raster lines" (so a normal character has 8 lines). There are more visible scan lines though (the top and bottom borders of the screen, for example), as well as some additional invisible ones.
    The re-drawing of the screen is synchronized to the electrical power coming into your house (50Hz on European PAL C64 and 60Hz on U.S. NTSC C64). A NTSC C64 has fewer scan lines (262-263) than a PAL C64 (312 scan lines). The above 25x40 display window is from scan line 51 through scan line 251. From now on we'll use the actual numbering on the C64 which starts with scan line number 0 (zero) and ends with 261/262 on NTSC and 311 on PAL systems.
    There is a memory location ("raster register") where the C64 "shows" in which scan line the monitor's "raster beam" currently resides. As you can't count from 0 to 261/262 or even 311 with only an 8-bit-value, a 9th bit is required. Memory location $D012 holds the lower 8 bits and the 9th bit is located at $D011 (we'll have to extract it from the 8-bit-value there). Normally the raster position information is used to implement display changes outside the visible area to prevent display flicker. We'll use it here to determine if we're on a PAL or NTSC system: if the raster position is at any time between 263 and 311, we're on a PAL system! It's that simple.

    Now to the PAL/NTSC detection implementation:
    First we simply wait at $0C21/$0C24 until $D012 (the lower 8-bit-value of the raster position) has value 0 (zero). Then the 9th bit (at $D011) may be 0 or 1, of course. So we are on scan line 0 or 256, of course. If bit 9 is 0 (zero) we wait in the loop $0C26/$0C29 until it's 1. So we make sure we are NOW at scan line 256. Then we wait until $D012 (the lower 8-bit-value of the raster position) has value $37 (55 decimal). If bit 9 (at $D011) now has value 1, we're on scan line 311 (256+55=311), and so we're on a PAL system (as a NTSC system's position numbering would only go up to 261/262). We only have to set the $02A6 value accordingly and the 9th bit is the most significant bit (MSB) of $D011. So the first ROL will shift the value of MSB to the carry flag, the second ROL shifts it from the carry flag to bit 1 (lowest). Zeroing out the other bits 2-8 leaves $00 for NTSC and $01 for PAL.
    Our code is and has to be "sufficiently" fast: A NTSC C64 gives you time for about 64/65 cpu cycles per scan line, whereas we have 63 cpu cycles on a PAL C64 before the raster register value changes. If we wait until we're on scan line 311 we then have to quickly read bit 9 (at $D011) to get the correct value. This is the reason we'll also have to disable interrupts using SEI/CLI.

    You can find further information about the raster register in "Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide" [5] and "Machine Language for the Commodore 64 and Other Commodore Computers" [11]. There are also 2 articles with more details and commented assembler programs: "Rasters - What They Are and How to Use Them" [17] and "Making stable raster routines (C64 and VIC-20)" [18]. There's another article "A reliable PAL/NTSC check!" [19] describing how this is done on a SuperCPU.

    The filename segments:
    The following are the 2 segments with the filenames we have to append to our Injector-Filecopy program: So we get the same program for disk sides 1 and 2, but with different filename segments. The filenames must be null-terminated and the whole list must end with 2 zeros.
    Make sure all protected files on your disk are listed here. At least the german version I've seen has 2 additional files: "PIRATES!" and "BOOT".

    Pirates disk side 1 filename segment:
    0D00 54 49 54 4C 45 00 36 34 4B 53 55 50 50 4F 52 54 TITLE.64KSUPPORT
    0D10 00 50 49 43 4B 00 4C 49 46 45 00 4D 41 49 4E 00 .PICK.LIFE.MAIN.
    0D20 56 42 4D 41 49 4E 00 4D 41 49 4E 2E 50 49 43 00 VBMAIN.MAIN.PIC.
    0D30 33 44 53 48 49 50 53 2E 50 49 43 00 53 57 4F 52 3DSHIPS.PIC.SWOR
    0D40 44 2E 50 49 43 00 4D 55 53 49 43 20 31 2E 44 54 D.PIC.MUSIC 1.DT
    0D50 41 00 4D 55 53 49 43 20 32 2E 44 54 41 00 43 48 A.MUSIC 2.DTA.CH
    0D60 41 52 53 2E 44 54 41 00 4D 41 49 4E 2E 43 48 52 ARS.DTA.MAIN.CHR
    0D70 00 4D 41 49 4E 2E 46 4E 54 00 54 49 54 4C 45 2E .MAIN.FNT.TITLE.
    0D80 43 48 52 00 46 49 58 4D 41 50 2E 53 49 44 00 48 CHR.FIXMAP.SID.H
    0D90 49 53 54 2E 53 49 44 00 43 49 54 49 45 53 20 30 IST.SID.CITIES 0
    0DA0 2E 44 54 41 00 43 49 54 49 45 53 20 32 2E 44 54 .DTA.CITIES 2.DT
    0DB0 41 00 43 49 54 49 45 53 20 33 2E 44 54 41 00 43 A.CITIES 3.DTA.C
    0DC0 49 54 49 45 53 20 34 2E 44 54 41 00 43 49 54 49 ITIES 4.DTA.CITI
    0DD0 45 53 20 35 2E 44 54 41 00 43 49 54 49 45 53 20 ES 5.DTA.CITIES 
    0DE0 36 2E 44 54 41 00 4D 41 49 4E 20 30 2E 44 54 41 6.DTA.MAIN 0.DTA
    0DF0 00 4D 41 49 4E 20 32 2E 44 54 41 00 4D 41 49 4E .MAIN 2.DTA.MAIN
    0E00 20 33 2E 44 54 41 00 4D 41 49 4E 20 34 2E 44 54  3.DTA.MAIN 4.DT
    0E10 41 00 4D 41 49 4E 20 35 2E 44 54 41 00 4D 41 49 A.MAIN 5.DTA.MAI
    0E20 4E 20 36 2E 44 54 41 00 44 45 43 4B 2E 57 49 4E N 6.DTA.DECK.WIN
    0E30 00 54 41 56 45 52 4E 2E 57 49 4E 00 47 4F 56 45 .TAVERN.WIN.GOVE
    0E40 52 4E 4F 52 2E 57 49 4E 00 53 48 49 50 20 34 2E RNOR.WIN.SHIP 4.
    0E50 57 49 4E 00 48 41 50 50 59 2E 57 49 4E 00 4D 41 WIN.HAPPY.WIN.MA
    0E60 4E 2E 57 49 4E 00 59 4F 55 2E 57 49 4E 00 46 41 N.WIN.YOU.WIN.FA
    0E70 43 45 20 30 00 43 48 52 20 30 2E 57 49 4E 00 43 CE 0.CHR 0.WIN.C
    0E80 48 52 20 31 2E 57 49 4E 00 43 48 52 20 32 2E 57 HR 1.WIN.CHR 2.W
    0E90 49 4E 00 43 48 52 20 33 2E 57 49 4E 00 43 48 52 IN.CHR 3.WIN.CHR
    0EA0 20 34 2E 57 49 4E 00 43 48 52 20 35 2E 57 49 4E  4.WIN.CHR 5.WIN
    0EB0 00 43 48 52 20 36 2E 57 49 4E 00 43 48 52 20 37 .CHR 6.WIN.CHR 7
    0EC0 2E 57 49 4E 00 43 48 52 20 38 2E 57 49 4E 00 43 .WIN.CHR 8.WIN.C
    0ED0 48 52 20 39 2E 57 49 4E 00 43 48 52 20 31 30 2E HR 9.WIN.CHR 10.
    0EE0 57 49 4E 00 43 48 52 20 31 31 2E 57 49 4E 00 43 WIN.CHR 11.WIN.C
    0EF0 48 52 20 31 32 2E 57 49 4E 00 43 48 52 20 31 33 HR 12.WIN.CHR 13
    0F00 2E 57 49 4E 00 43 48 52 20 31 34 2E 57 49 4E 00 .WIN.CHR 14.WIN.
    0F10 43 48 52 20 31 35 2E 57 49 4E 00 43 48 52 20 31 CHR 15.WIN.CHR 1
    0F20 36 2E 57 49 4E 00 43 48 52 20 31 37 2E 57 49 4E 6.WIN.CHR 17.WIN
    0F30 00 43 48 52 20 31 38 2E 57 49 4E 00 43 48 52 20 .CHR 18.WIN.CHR 
    0F40 31 39 2E 57 49 4E 00 43 48 52 20 32 30 2E 57 49 19.WIN.CHR 20.WI
    0F50 4E 00 43 48 52 20 32 31 2E 57 49 4E 00 43 48 52 N.CHR 21.WIN.CHR
    0F60 20 32 32 2E 57 49 4E 00 43 48 52 20 32 33 2E 57  22.WIN.CHR 23.W
    0F70 49 4E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 IN..............
    Pirates disk side 2 filename segment:
    0D00 4D 41 49 4E 00 42 41 54 54 4C 45 2E 53 49 44 00 MAIN.BATTLE.SID.
    0D10 49 53 4C 41 4E 44 2E 53 49 44 00 53 43 41 50 45 ISLAND.SID.SCAPE
    0D20 2E 53 49 44 00 53 48 49 50 53 2E 53 49 44 00 53 .SID.SHIPS.SID.S
    0D30 49 47 48 54 2E 53 49 44 00 54 52 45 41 53 2E 53 IGHT.SID.TREAS.S
    0D40 49 44 00 41 57 41 52 44 2E 57 49 4E 00 42 4F 41 ID.AWARD.WIN.BOA
    0D50 52 44 49 4E 47 2E 57 49 4E 00 42 52 49 44 45 20 RDING.WIN.BRIDE 
    0D60 30 2E 57 49 4E 00 42 52 49 44 45 20 31 2E 57 49 0.WIN.BRIDE 1.WI
    0D70 4E 00 42 52 49 44 45 20 32 2E 57 49 4E 00 42 52 N.BRIDE 2.WIN.BR
    0D80 49 44 45 20 33 2E 57 49 4E 00 42 55 52 4E 49 4E IDE 3.WIN.BURNIN
    0D90 47 2E 57 49 4E 00 43 4F 55 52 54 2E 57 49 4E 00 G.WIN.COURT.WIN.
    0DA0 43 52 45 57 2E 57 49 4E 00 44 45 43 4B 2E 57 49 CREW.WIN.DECK.WI
    0DB0 4E 00 44 4F 43 4B 2E 57 49 4E 00 46 4F 52 54 2E N.DOCK.WIN.FORT.
    0DC0 57 49 4E 00 47 4F 56 45 52 4E 4F 52 2E 57 49 4E WIN.GOVERNOR.WIN
    0DD0 00 48 41 50 50 59 2E 57 49 4E 00 49 53 4C 41 4E .HAPPY.WIN.ISLAN
    0DE0 44 2E 57 49 4E 00 4D 41 50 50 45 52 2E 57 49 4E D.WIN.MAPPER.WIN
    0DF0 00 4D 45 52 43 48 41 4E 54 2E 57 49 4E 00 50 4C .MERCHANT.WIN.PL
    0E00 55 4E 44 45 52 2E 57 49 4E 00 50 52 49 53 4F 4E UNDER.WIN.PRISON
    0E10 2E 57 49 4E 00 52 45 53 43 55 45 2E 57 49 4E 00 .WIN.RESCUE.WIN.
    0E20 52 45 53 43 55 45 20 30 2E 57 49 4E 00 52 45 53 RESCUE 0.WIN.RES
    0E30 43 55 45 20 31 2E 57 49 4E 00 53 48 49 50 2E 57 CUE 1.WIN.SHIP.W
    0E40 49 4E 00 53 48 49 50 20 30 2E 57 49 4E 00 53 48 IN.SHIP 0.WIN.SH
    0E50 49 50 20 31 2E 57 49 4E 00 53 48 49 50 20 32 2E IP 1.WIN.SHIP 2.
    0E60 57 49 4E 00 53 48 49 50 20 33 2E 57 49 4E 00 53 WIN.SHIP 3.WIN.S
    0E70 48 49 50 20 34 2E 57 49 4E 00 53 48 49 50 20 35 HIP 4.WIN.SHIP 5
    0E80 2E 57 49 4E 00 53 48 49 50 20 36 2E 57 49 4E 00 .WIN.SHIP 6.WIN.
    0E90 53 48 49 50 20 37 2E 57 49 4E 00 53 48 49 50 20 SHIP 7.WIN.SHIP 
    0EA0 38 2E 57 49 4E 00 53 49 4E 4B 49 4E 47 2E 57 49 8.WIN.SINKING.WI
    0EB0 4E 00 53 50 41 4E 49 41 52 44 2E 57 49 4E 00 53 N.SPANIARD.WIN.S
    0EC0 54 52 45 45 54 2E 57 49 4E 00 53 55 4E 53 49 47 TREET.WIN.SUNSIG
    0ED0 48 54 2E 57 49 4E 00 54 41 56 45 52 4E 2E 57 49 HT.WIN.TAVERN.WI
    0EE0 4E 00 54 4F 57 4E 31 2E 57 49 4E 00 54 52 41 56 N.TOWN1.WIN.TRAV
    0EF0 45 4C 2E 57 49 4E 00 54 52 45 41 53 55 52 45 2E EL.WIN.TREASURE.
    0F00 57 49 4E 00 56 49 4C 4C 41 47 45 20 30 2E 57 49 WIN.VILLAGE 0.WI
    0F10 4E 00 56 49 4C 4C 41 47 45 20 31 2E 57 49 4E 00 N.VILLAGE 1.WIN.
    0F20 57 45 44 44 49 4E 47 2E 57 49 4E 00 00 00 00 00 WEDDING.WIN.....


    I supplied the Injector-Filecopy program for each Pirates disk side on a D64 image, you only have to transfer them to a 1541 floppy disk (using e.g. "d64copy.exe" from "opencbm"): Run the driver and type in d64copy pircopy73.d64 9 (this will copy the D64 to drive 9). When finished connect both 1541 drives to your C64 and restart the C64 (turn power off and on) to reset the memory. Then put Pirates disk side 1 into drive 8, make sure the disk with the pircopy programs is in drive 9 and type in LOAD"PIRCOPY73SIDE1",9,1. Start the Injector-Filecopy with SYS2600. The both drives will then read+save in alternate order, and you can follow the progress getting printed to the screen. After some time, when the copy process has finished, create a D64 image from pircopy's readout disk (with all the copied files): e.g. d64copy 9 pircopy1.d64. Then do the same with Pirates disk side 2.
    Again, make sure all protected files on your original disk are listed in the above filename lists. Then you should get clean copies from all (protected) files, including the ones with additional "shadow" files. Some files are missing as they're not protected, so don't try starting the game right now, better read the following Chapter 3 first.

    CHAPTER 3 - Copy the missing parts

    We first start here by retrieving an obviously missing part.

    Chapter 3.1: Adding the not protected files

    In Chapter 2 we left out the files "FACE 1".."FACE 8" on side 1 and "NAMES 0".."NAMES 3" on side 2 as they're not protected.

    If you created "side1.d64"/"side2.d64" in Chapter 1 using "nibtools" you can simply use the Norton Commander like program "64Copy 4.20" to copy those unprotected files from "side1.d64"/"side2.d64" to "pircopy1.d64"/"pircopy2.d64".
    But if you used d64copy.exe from "opencbm 0.4.0" to create "side1.d64"/"side2.d64" in Chapter 1, you have to connect your 1541 drive to your Windows PC again (run the driver). Put in your original Pirates disk, start "GUI4CBM4WIN", click on "Directory" and copy the unprotected files to the left window (using "<--" button). The following Figure #9 demonstrates this for side 2.

    Figure #9: Copy the missing files using GUI4CBBM4WIN directly from the original Pirates disk (if you do not have a 1541 parallel port).

    Now remove the ".seq" filename extensions from the copied files in the left GUI4CBM4WIN window. Use "64Copy" to copy those unprotected files to "pircopy1.d64"/"pircopy2.d64". Figure #10 demonstrates this for side 2.

    Figure #10: Copy the missing files into the D64 images using 64Copy (pircopy1.d64/pircopy2.d64).

    Unfortunately "NAMES 0".."NAMES 3" get the wrong filetype ("prg" instead of "seq"). So mark them, press F9 key, open "Files" menu, select "file attributes" and change their filetype to "Seq" (Figure #11 shows this).

    Figure #11: Setting the correct file attributes of the missing files in 64Copy.

    Now that we have all files in the "pircopy1.d64"/"pircopy2.d64" D64 images, we can test-drive the game with LOAD"TITLE",8,1. (You may delete PIRCOPY73SIDE1 and PIRCOPY73SIDE2 on those images, of course.)

    Chapter 3.2: Tracks 1 - 3 contain data

    Starting the game reveals it's not running correctly. Strings are missing. As we copied all files, we must have missed some disk area containing at least those strings. I located similar Sector-Reading-Routines in the Basic programs "PICK" on side 1 and "MAIN" on side 2 that seem to be strongly involved with those strings.

    We'll start with "MAIN" on side 2 now, so take a look at the following code snippet (the "Commodore 64 User's Guide" [6] has some Chapters on the Basic language). In "PICK" on side 1 the code is similar and commented by REM with "LOAD T$ FROM FILE F$".

    8590 GOSUB8600:T$=T$+"":GOSUB8000:RETURN
    8595 GOSUB8600:T$=T$+"":GOSUB8005:RETURN
    8600 T$=""
    8610 RR=PEEK(53269):POKE53269,0:OPEN15,8,15:OPEN5,8,5,"#"
    8615 PRINT#15,"B-R:";5;0;INT(FF/21)+1;FF-INT(FF/21)*21
    8620 INPUT#5,F$:IFF$="CO$"THENT$=T$+CO$:GOTO8620
    8622 IFF$="C$"THENT$=T$+C$:GOTO8620
    8625 Z=LEN(F$):IFF$="ZZ"THENT$=T$+MID$(STR$(ZZ),2)+" ":GOTO8620
    8626 IFF$="ZZ0"THENT$=T$+MID$(STR$(ZZ),2)+"0 ":GOTO8620
    8630 IFST=0THENT$=T$+LEFT$(F$,Z-1)+CHR$(ASC(MID$(F$,Z))OR128):GOTO8620
    8640 T$=T$+F$:CLOSE5:CLOSE15:POKE53269,RR:RETURN

    OPEN15,8,15 opens the command channel, OPEN5,8,5,"#" the data channel for random access. The following "B-R" command reads one block/sector of data from the disk; it is defined as follows: PRINT#15,"B-R:" channel; drive; track; block . When "B-R" has been performed, the INPUT# statement can read the actual information into the string variable F$: it reads and appends characters to the string F$ until a RETURN code (CHR$(13)), a comma (,), semicolon (;), or colon (:) is detected. Then special character sequences (C$,CO$,ZZ,ZZ0) are substituted by certain game data.
    ST is a reserved Basic status variable for input/output operations. The value of ST will be nonzero if there is a problem loading something from disk, e.g. the end of the sector was reached.
    Ok now, the routine reads strings into F$ from the given sector, eventually substitutes for game content and trims and concatenates them to T$ until the status ST is nonzero.

    You will find a detailed description on this disk operations in "Commodore 1541 Disk Drive User's Guide" [7]: see Chapter 6 on "RANDOM FILES" there.

    The above routine is referenced very often. Simply string-search for GOSUBs to "8590", "8595", "8600" and "8610" throughout the Basic program and you will find out that the code is called with Basic variable FF having values from 0 to 62. To understand the Track/Sector calculation in the above Basic line 8615, write and run the following 1-line Basic program. The Basic command INT returns the integer value of an expression, the fractional part is left off as the values are all positive.

    10 FORI=0TO62:PRINT INT(I/21)+1;" ";I-INT(I/21)*21:NEXTI

    It reveals that only Sectors 0-20 from Tracks 1-3 are read. So we have to copy Tracks 1-3 somehow from the original Pirates disk side 2 to our corresponding D64 image located on our PC. This may be a problem as some of the files already located on our D64 image may occupy those Tracks. So we have to create a new empty D64 image "pirates2.d64" for this.
    Tracks 1-3 are also on our initial D64 images we created in Chapter 1 ("side2.d64")! So we can copy them under Windows 2000/XP with e.g. "UltraEdit 13.20" (switched to hex-mode). Track 4 starts at offset $3F00, so simply copy+paste the first 16128 bytes (offsets $0 to $3EFF) from "side2.d64" into our empty new D64 image "pirates2.d64".
    Don't forget to mark those Tracks as "used" in the BAM! The BAM starts at offset $16504 in the D64 images and its only job is to keep track of which sectors on the disk are used and which are still available for use. The following Figure #12 shows the BAM of an empty disk.

    Figure #12: BAM of a freshly formatted Pirates disk side 1 (Track 18, Sector 0).

    When you copied Tracks 1-3 to your image disks you must mark them as used: So zero out the entries $16504-$1650F as shown in the following Figure #13.

    Figure #13: Tracks 1-3 marked as used in BAM of Pirates disk side 1 (Track 18, Sector 0).

    Now you can add the formerly protected and not protected files to the D64 image "pirates2.d64" using "64Copy 4.20" (as described in Chapter 3.1), as we're not in danger of overwriting the data in Tracks 1-3.

    Ok now. Of course, we're interested in how the actual sectors and the strings they contain look like. The following Figure #14 shows Track 1, Sector 0.

    Figure #14: Example Track containing game strings (Side 2, Track 1, Sector 0).

    The first byte (here it's $39) shows the filling of the current sector. Notice the strings being separated by carriage return ($0D) and semicolon here. There's also a special character sequence "C$".

    If you wish, you may overwrite all unused bytes from offset $3A to $FF with $00 for convenience and better overview. The following Figure #15 will demonstrate this.

    Figure #15: Optimized example Track containing game strings (Side 2, Track 1, Sector 0).

    Of course, Tracks 1-3 contain 3*21=63 sectors, but this zero'ing-out is a one-time job only. Do it. Carefully. When you fly over the strings they're much more readable without the junk between them.
    You will find details on the D64 disk layout and the BAM in "D64 (Electronic form of a physical 1541 disk)" [1].

    We'll now examine "PICK" on side 1. The situation here is different, there's only one reference to the block-reading routine. So take a look at the following code snippet.

    1100 REM STORIES
    1106 FORI=1TOC
    1107 READX:IFX<>-1THEN1107
    1108 NEXTI:GOSUB12500
    1114 IFZZ=50THENF$="TAVERN":C1=0:C2=10:GOTO1180
    1115 IFZZ=51THENF$="GOVERNOR":C1=0:C2=10:GOTO1180
    1116 IFZZ=52THENF$="SHIP 4":C1=14:C2=9:GOTO1180
    1117 IFZZ=53THENF$="HAPPY":C1=0:C2=10:GOTO1180
    1118 IFZZ=54THENF$="MAN":C1=0:C2=10:GOTO1180
    1119 IFZZ=55THENF$="YOU":C1=0:C2=10:GOTO1180
    1120 X=0:Y=0:FF=ZZ-1:GOSUB8590
    1130 GOTO1110
    1180 IFAA<0THENGOSUB12500
    1185 X=10:Y=9:GOSUB8100:GOTO1110
    1189 DATA -40,41,42,-52,3,0,4,97,5,6,0,-1
    1190 DATA 1,51,2,41,42,-3,53,0,4,97,5,6,0,-1
    1191 DATA 7,50,8,41,42,-3,52,35,97,-53,23,0,11,12,97,5,6,-1
    1205 DATA 24,51,25,41,42,-26,97,-53,27,0,28,97,29,6,-1

    I'll shortly summarize what's happening. See "Chapter 5 - Bugfixes" for a more detailed examination of the Basic code.

    When you start the game, you may choose a special historical time period: 1560, 1600, 1620, 1640, 1660 or 1680. In order of appearance they're associated with one of the following 4-number-blocks.

    1099 DATA 1,2,7,0, 4,5,6,7, 8,9,3,7, 8,10,6,7, 12,13,14,7, 15,13,11,16

    E.g. 1640 is associated with the 4-number-block "8,10,6,7". If you don't select a special time period the game chooses 1660 for you. The 4 numbers of each block are indices for data blocks in the loaded file CHARS.DTA. Each data block contains a string and all 4 indexed make up the options menu where you select your nationality. Index 0 means the nationality does not exist, so in 1560 you have only 3 nationalities to choose from. Selecting a nationality from the options menu sets the Basic variable C to the corresponding value of the associated 4-number-block (line 1104). E.g. if you choose the 2nd nationality from the list in 1640, C is set to "10" in line 1104. If you select a famous expedition, you'll get a predefined nationality and C is set to a value of 17-22 (as there are 6 expeditions). This way the Basic variable C gets a value 0-22.

    Now we'll get back to the above "STORIES" code snippet. The variable C is set to some value 0-22 (just explained) in line 1104. If you chose a special time period the whole data line 1099 already got skipped/passed (I left out that code location, it's somewhere else). If you chose a famous expedition, data line 1099 gets skipped now in line 1104.
    In most cases the read-pointer for the data's now points to the first data value in line 1189 (year 1560 is different: it points to the 4th data value (-52), but don't care about this detail). If you didn't select a famous expedition, the loop in lines 1106-1108 now skips a number of C whole data-lines. For famous expeditions this code is skipped by goto in line 1104.
    There're 17 data lines from 1189-1205, I give them numbers from 0 to 16. So the data values from line 1099 determine the index of your data line now. Each combination of year/nationality leads to a different data line and a famous expedition gives you index 0 (data line 1189). The read pointer then points to the first data value of that "selected" line. Again: the data value 0 in line 1099 is skipped as you cannot select a corresponding nationality!
    Now to the handling of the 17 data lines: There's a loop over the Basic lines 1110-1130/1185 now. In this loop the values from the current data line get read successively by the read-instruction in line 1110 (some data values are skipped). The data values are passed to the known disk-sector-reading routine (GOSUB8590 in line 1120). For data values 50-55 the sector-reading is exchanged by the known picture-loading routine (GOSUB8100). Negative data values are always converted to positive ones (line 1110). For data value 97 the initial sword-fight-scene is shown and you have to fight (not in 1560). The code snippet ends by return in line 1111 when a value 0 or -1 is read from the current data line.

    So by looking over all the data values you will notice the following: for values 1-42 the corresponding disk sector is read, for values 50-55 a picture is loaded, value 97 shows the sword-fight-scene and values 0/-1 end the code snippet.
    Sectors 1-41 reside on Tracks 1-2, Sector 42 is the first on Track 3. To keep things easy, do the same as before with disk side 2: copy the whole Tracks 1-3 from "side1.d64" to an empty new D64 image "pirates1.d64" and mark them as used in the BAM. After this you can add the formerly protected and not protected files using "64Copy 4.20" (as described in Chapter 3.1), as we're not in danger of overwriting the data in Tracks 1-3.
    You may notice that Track 1, Sector 0 contains some different data. It's the C128 boot sector (Chapter 6 has details).

    Taking a look a the copied sectors 1-42 on "pirates1.d64" reveals they contain text strings as well. As a final step you should zero out the junk in the copied sectors as you did on side 2 "pirates2.d64" before. Strangely there is a text string located in sector 43 that obviously doesn't belong to there (very last text string). I zeroed out the junk and left the string there. The rest of the sectors on Track 3 seem to be empty, so I left them as they are.

    Chapter 3.3: The Disk IDs

    I located one additional "B-R" in the Basic programs "PICK" on side 1 and "MAIN" on side 2, and it's very nicely commented. So take a look at the code snippet from "PICK" in the following code window.

    22000 REM GET DISK ID
    22060 RR=PEEK(53269):POKE53269,0:OPEN15,8,15,"I0:":OPEN2,8,2,"#1"
    22070 PRINT#15,"U1";2;0;18;0:PRINT#15,"B-P";2;163:GET#2,I$:CLOSE2:CLOSE15
    22090 POKE53269,RR:RETURN

    There are some references to this code in "PICK". See below.

    206 GOSUB22000:IFI$<>"3"THEN205
    265 GOSUB22000:IFI$<>"1"THEN250
    296 GOSUB22000:IFI$<>"1"THEN295
    991 GOSUB22000:IFI$<>"2"THEN990

    Obviously the Disk ID is read and checked here. So be sure to set your disk ID in "pirates1.d64" to "P1" and in "pirates2.d64" to "P2" (same as on original disk). You can use "UltraEdit" for this: open the D64 images, switch to hex-mode and go to offset $165A2/$165A3. You may take a look at the last line of Figures #12 and #13: See the "P1"? The Savegame disk will automatically get "P3" when it's created (you must create a D64 image before in WinVice for this). Many Pirates versions on the Internet have a different ID on side 1 (you can't load savegames with them or end the game to get your highscore).


    You can now assemble a good looking Pirates disk image: First copy Tracks 1-3 from both disk sides to freshly created D64 images. Edit the BAMs and mark them as used. Then and only then add all the Pirates files to the correct D64 image. Sort them as you like. Finally set the correct disk IDs. I suggest you copy the original disk name "PIRATES !" to your images too ("UltraEdit", offset $16590).
    But there's still something missing: the "shadow" files. We'll have to edit some program to load them at the right time. So go on with the next Chapter on how to achieve this.

    CHAPTER 4 - Patching the game

    We have created a disk image from each Pirates disk side by now. We copied all the files, text strings on Tracks 1-3, disk names and IDs. While the filecopy of the protected files was in progress, you should have noticed that there were some "shadow" files coming in: 4 files for "3DSHIPS.PIC", 5 files for "MAIN.PIC" and one "shadow" file for each of the 6 SID files on side 2. They have to be loaded as well. So it's necessary to insert some code somewhere for explicitly loading those files.
    Before we start off, I should tell you that I renamed the "shadow" files: I incremented the appended numbers by 1 (e.g. "3DSHIPS.PIC1" is now "3DSHIPS.PIC2" and so on, only "3DSHIPS.PIC" remains unchanged).

    Chapter 4.1: Patching "PICK" on Side 1

    I located the code position where the "3DSHIPS.PIC" file(s) are getting loaded in the Basic program "PICK" on side 1 "pirates1.d64". The following is the original code snippet of the scene.

    14025 BF=240*KP:F$="SWORD.PIC":GOSUB17800:F=240:T=208:L=16:GOSUB10:BF=240*KP
    14035 F$="3DSHIPS.PIC":GOSUB17800

    Variable KP has a value of $100=256d and BF holds the target address where the file is getting loaded to by the GOSUB17800. This may be different in your own Pirates version. Now it's a good time to hex-edit "3DSHIPS.PIC" and its "shadow" files and write down each load address. I used "64Copy 4.20" for this. Don't confuse the files and their addresses.
    If you divide those addresses by 256, you'll get the factor for the calculation of BF. The factor for "3DSHIPS.PIC4" has too much numbers after the decimal point for my liking, so I assigned the actual memory address. The following code window shows the "updated" part of code.

    14025 BF=240*KP:F$="SWORD.PIC":GOSUB17800:F=240:T=208:L=16:GOSUB10:BF=240*KP
    14035 F$="3DSHIPS.PIC":GOSUB17800
    14036 BF=248*KP:F$="3DSHIPS.PIC2":GOSUB17800
    14037 BF=158*KP:F$="3DSHIPS.PIC3":GOSUB17800
    14038 BF=40680:F$="3DSHIPS.PIC4":GOSUB17800

    Ok, this one's done. Next one is "MAIN.PIC", located in the Basic code directly after the above code location. The following is the original code snippet of the scene.

    14090 POKEBF+99,0:GOSUB14200:BF=236*KP:F$="MAIN.PIC":GOSUB17800
    14199 RETURN

    Add the load commands as we've done it before. The "updated" part of code should then look like the following.

    14090 POKEBF+99,0:GOSUB14200:BF=236*KP:F$="MAIN.PIC":GOSUB17800
    14092 BF=181.5*KP:F$="MAIN.PIC2":GOSUB17800
    14093 BF=183*KP:F$="MAIN.PIC3":GOSUB17800
    14094 BF=251.75*KP:F$="MAIN.PIC4":GOSUB17800
    14095 BF=186.5*KP:F$="MAIN.PIC5":GOSUB17800
    14199 RETURN

    It's this easy because the last file "MAIN.PIC5" has $02DF as return address for the $02B6 exit-routine (see screen output in Chapter 2.2).
    You can save the patched file "PICK" to (another) D64 image using SAVE"PICK",8.

    Fixing PICK's file length

    Surprisingly, the game will not work correctly after applying these patches. You will notice this when you start a new game and put in side 2. While "MAIN" is getting loaded (not executed at this very moment!), the information box telling you the closest cities to your current location will not show the direction of where the cities are. The strings with "NORTH", "SOUTH", "WEST", "EAST" and combinations of them are missing in the text box. So what's wrong? I found out that the file length of "PICK" is very important. Solution: Load "PICK" into WinVice and find and remove some of the many REM code comments (whole or parts) until you have exactly the original's file length. You have to try and save the file some times until it's ok. I suggest you first correct to the matching block size, then use "64Copy 4.20" to check the filling of the last block: ALT+F4 on "PICK" for hex-edit, then hold down F7 to scroll to the last block (first byte here will be zero as it's the last block of the file, second byte is the actual filling of "PICK"s last block which is $4B in my version).
    You can use "64Copy 4.20" to replace (delete+copy) the unmodified "PICK" on your D64 image "pirates1.d64" with the patched one.

    Chapter 4.2: Patching "MAIN" on Side 2

    You should have noticed the 6 "shadow" files coming in while the filecopy of the protected files was in progress: One for each SID file: BATTLE, ISLAND, SCAPE, SHIPS, SIGHT, TREAS.

    Figure #16: Content of the SID shadow files.

    All 6 shadow files have the same content. They've all 10 bytes file length and they're all getting loaded to memory location $A5..$AA. I found out that the Basic variables A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5 point to this location as you may verify in the following code snippet taken from "MAIN" ($A5 = 165 decimal!).

    19003 A0=165:A1=A0+1:A2=A1+1:A3=A2+1:A4=A3+1:A5=A4+1:A6=A5+1:KP=256:KK=KP*KP
    19004 K=149*KP:SB=K+41:MVB=K+70:KE=K+142:S64K=K+29:M64K=K+20

    From the screen output in Chapter 2.2 we know the SID files are getting loaded with return address $9528 for the $02B6 exit-routine. Remember we manipulated the return address to be $02DF to prevent autostart. So the $02B6 exit-routine should originally execute the code at $9529. The $9529 routine resides in the file "64KSUPPORT", loaded by the Basic program "TITLE". The following code window shows the disassembly of that routine.

    9529 A5 A5     LDA $A5     ; variable A0=$00
    952B A0 00     LDY #$00
    952D A6 AA     LDX $AA     ; variable A5=$03
    952F F0 0A     BEQ $953B
    9531 91 A7     STA ($A7),Y ; variable A2=$A0, A3=$9F -> $9FA0..$A29F
    9533 C8        INY 
    9534 D0 FB     BNE $9531
    9536 E6 A8     INC $A8     ; variable A3=$9F
    9538 CA        DEX 
    9539 D0 F6     BNE $9531
    953B A6 A9     LDX $A9     ; variable A4=$60
    953D F0 06     BEQ $9545
    953F 91 A7     STA ($A7),Y ; -> $A2A0..$A2FF
    9541 C8        INY 
    9542 CA        DEX 
    9543 D0 FA     BNE $953F
    9545 60        RTS 

    Taking a closer look at this short routine reveals it's a memory filling function. The variables got initialized by the shadow file. The routine takes the value at $A5 (a zero) as the filling byte. The first loop overwrites the memory area $9FA0..$A29F with the filling byte zero and the second loop the $A2A0..$A2FF area. In other words: the memory at $9FA0 gets successively overwritten with $0360 zeros. Then the function returns to the next return address on the stack.
    So we have to manually clear that memory area somehow. I must admit I took a glance at how the ESI people made it in their release (but be careful, it's a different version of the game).
    I located the code position where the SID files are getting loaded in the Basic program "MAIN" on side 2. Here's an example.

    6725 F$="BATTLE":GOSUB12900:V=23:ZV=CP:GOSUB7:DZ=0

    So a routine at Basic line 12900 is called. The following is the original code snippet of the scene.

    12900 F=0:T=VA/KP:L=.5:GOSUB12
    12910 IFF$=SD$ORF$=""THENT=(VA+160)/KP:L=4-160/KP:GOSUB12:RETURN
    12920 SD$=F$:F$=F$+".SID":BF=173.5*KP
    12930 GOSUB17800:IF(ST AND191)<>0THEN12930
    12940 RETURN

    And the next shows the same code area, but containing the patched code in Basic line 12940 (taken from ESI release).

    12900 F=0:T=VA/KP:L=.5:GOSUB12
    12910 IFF$=SD$ORF$=""THENT=(VA+160)/KP:L=4-160/KP:GOSUB12:RETURN
    12920 SD$=F$:F$=F$+".SID":BF=173.5*KP
    12930 GOSUB17800:IF(ST AND191)<>0THEN12930
    12940 F$="":GOTO12910

    To understand this snippet we have to look at the routine called by GOSUB12.


    I'll now shortly summarize what's going on here.

    It turns out that the line-12-routine fills the variables A0,..,A5 with supplied values and calls the $9529 routine (we already analyzed before) using that SYSSB: "F" = filling byte, "T" = target address, "L" = length, "SB"=$9529 (SB was initialized in Basic line 19004, see some code window above for that).
    The GOSUB17800 instruction calls the actual file loading routine. We have used it before in Chapter 4.1 for loading the shadow files in "PICK".
    Now to patched line 12940: By setting F$="" and rerouting execution to line 12910 the code after the IF instruction gets executed. It turns out that the variables T,L are initialized to T=(VA+160)/KP=($9F00+$A0)/KP=$9FA0/KP and L=4-160/KP=3.375 where L*KP=$0360 (KP=256). And as set before in line 12900: F=0. Then line-12-routine is called (notice that directly following RETURN as it "replaces" the deleted one on line 12940).
    Now compare the values! The variables A0,..,A5 are initialized with exact the values we got from the SID's shadow files (the FNLB function simply returns the lo-byte of a hex-value). Then the $9529 routine is called by this SYSSB, filling the exact memory area we need with zeros.
    So the solution for the missing shadow files is simply editing Basic line 12940: replace the original RETURN by F$="":GOTO12910.

    Fixing MAIN's file length

    I suspect the Basic program "MAIN" on side 2 has the same file length problem as "PICK" on side 1. So after editing the code, we must shorten the file length somehow again. Fortunately there is a REM comment located at Basic line 3901 that can be shortened. The file lengths of the patched and original "MAIN" must be equal. I described how this is done above for the file "PICK".


    You should now have 2 D64 disk images (one from each 1541 Pirates disk side). They should contain all files, data areas, correct disk IDs and shadow files (explicitly loaded or alternatively replaced by misdirected flow of execution in Basic program code). A test-drive shows the game is working now in WinVice as well as on the C64. You can use "d64copy.exe" from "opencbm" to write the D64 images to a formatted 1541 floppy disk. You can format a disk (and thus check if it may be faulty) on the C64 using the command: OPEN15,8,15,"N:PIRATES!,P1":CLOSE15. Don't use fast-format routines on old disks (e.g. the Retro Replay Cartridge/Cyberpunx ROM's one). Give the 1541 time to magnetize the disk correctly. If this fails, try "cbmforng.exe" from the "opencbm" package.

    CHAPTER 5 - Bugfixes

    It turns out that there're (at least) 2 bugs in the game, one really annoying and one being a minor typo. When you select 1640 as special historical time period and choose to be a French Privateer, then Dutch governors will always tell you they're at war with themselves. The other bug is only a mistyped letter in one of the player's initial life stories.

    Chapter 5.1: Making the Dutch governor believe he's not at war with himself

    I located the code position where the governors tell the user about their international relationships in the Basic program "MAIN" on side 2. The following code snippet shows the relevant information of the scene.

    2196 F$=MID$(F$,Z*8+2,7)
    2197 Z=LEN(F$):IFRIGHT$(F$,1)=" "THENF$=LEFT$(F$,Z-1):GOTO2197
    2199 F$=F$+" ":RETURN
    2295 CO$=RK$(PEEK(PRS+NN+13))+" "+NA$:RETURN
    3340 AX=0:VV=VVOR1:F$="GOVERNOR":RD=14:GOSUB8098
    3341 GOSUB2295:T$="%MY DEAR "+CO$+"":V=0:FORI=0TO3
    3345 NEXTI:IF(VAND2)=0ORFNEX(PRS+8+NN)<2THENT$=T$+".":GOTO3347
    3347 IFVTHENX=2:Y=2:GOSUB8000

    First, "GOVERNOR.WIN" graphics gets loaded in line 3340. The GOSUB2295 assembles the CO$ string containing the player's rank and name, so T$ could be "MY DEAR COUNT SMITH,". Then there is this FORI=0TO3 loop starting at the end of line 3341 and ending at line 3345. Within the loop the Basic variable A is set to a varying value, depending on the loop index I. When the value at memory location A is 1, the governor tells us he is allied with some nation. If the value is 255, he tells us he is at war with some nation. For any other value the governor simply tells nothing. The GOSUB2195 hereby returns the nation.

    So it's simply a loop over all nations, revealing the governor's relationship to them.

    The Basic variable NN is a small integer value from 0 to 3. To see this I traced the Basic code backwards, starting from above line 3340 (checking all GOSUB-subroutines in the way, of course). I found NN being referenced in line 3022. Look at the following code snippet of the scene.

    3015 PRINT"  SEA-SIDE TOWN OF "C$"."
    3022 Z=NN:GOSUB2195:POKEPRS+25,CC

    The value of NN is used to show which nation's flag flies over the town (line 3022). Now look at the 2195 routine: it only returns a valid nationality string for NN being an integer value from 0 to 3.

    Ok, back to our initial code location around line 3342. As PRS=148*KP, 0<=NN<=3 and 0<=I<=3, the base address for the memory location in A is PRS+64=148*KP+$40=$9440 and the end-address is PRS+64+3*4+3=$944F. Now we have to find the code location where this memory range gets initialized. I found it in the Basic program "PICK" on side 1 (simply search for "PRS+64"). So take a look at the code snippet of the scene, especially that 1055 line.

    1010 F=192:T=228:L=8:GOSUB10:BF=192*KP:F$="CHARS.DTA":GOSUB17790
    1012 IFSN<0THENC=0:T(C)=PEEK(PRS):GOTO1040
    1025 T$="ARE YOU AN":FORI=1TO4:A=BF+T(I)*80-80:IFT(I)=0THEN1035
    1030 T$=T$+" ":FORJ=0TO19:T$=T$+CHR$(PEEK(A+J)):NEXTJ:T$=T$+""
    1035 NEXTI:X=10:Y=5:GOSUB8000:POKEPRS,T(C)
    1040 POKE53269,0:A=BF+T(C)*80-80:FORJ=0TO12:POKEPTY+3+J,PEEK(A+20+J):NEXTJ
    1055 FORJ=0TO15:POKEPRS+64+J,PEEK(A+56+J):NEXTJ

    To keep this tutorial short, I'll shortly summarize again what's going on here. Simply take "PICK"'s Basic code and start reading it from the beginning. Identify the different option menus for user interaction and follow the path of execution. And.. take your time.

    First the file "CHARS.DTA" gets loaded to memory location BF=192*KP=$C000 in the above code (line 1010). In the following 2 lines the values of the Basic variable SN and from the memory location PRS are used for something. It seems we should first understand where these values come from.
    If you select to command a famous expedition, you can choose between 6 of them. There's a leading text line "SELECT AN EXPEDITION..." followed by an empty line and 12 text lines naming the 6 expeditions (2 lines per option). The clicked line number is stored in the Basic variable C (values 2..13). So dividing by 2 and cutting the fractional part, we get a value from 1 to 6 identifying the selected expedition. Adding 16, the formula in line 170 stores a value from 17..22 into memory location PRS. And SN is set to -1.

    170 POKEPRS,INT(C/2)+16:POKEPRS+18,1:SN=-1:GOTO850
    850 GOSUB1000:DY=DAY-360*INT(DAY/360):POKEPRS+19,DAY/360

    The GOSUB1000 in line 850 now calls the routine we want to understand. Very well.

    There's one other path of execution using that same call in line 850. If you select a special historical time period you have 6 possibilities you may choose from (1560, 1600, 1620, 1640, 1660, 1680). With that leading text line "SELECT A TIME PERIOD" the variable C gets a value from 1 to 6. The "(C=1)" function returns -1 if C=1, else 0. So SN can get the values 0,2,3,4,5,6 in line 810! As we detected the bug in the year 1640, SN has the value 4. After loading the files "CITIES 4.DTA" and "MAIN 4.DTA", our routine at line 1000 is called. See the following code snippet for this.

    810 X=2:Y=1:DC=4:GOSUB8000:SN=C+(C=1):DC=0
    820 BF=CTY:F$="CITIES"+STR$(SN)+".DTA":GOSUB17790:NC=PEEK(CTY+1023)-3
    825 BF=DTA:F$="MAIN"+STR$(SN)+".DTA":GOSUB17790:POKEPRS+26,SN
    850 GOSUB1000:DY=DAY-360*INT(DAY/360):POKEPRS+19,DAY/360

    Now we know all the possible values of the a priori questionable variables. We can now get back to the line 1000 routine.

    Looking carefully at the code, we find out that the commands in line 1012 get executed only if we select a famous expedition. So we can skip this line as the bug happens to come out in the special historical time period 1640.
    The GOSUB8700 in line 1015 now starts the music playback. Then some data values are read. They reside in line 1099 as follows.

    1099 DATA 1,2,7,0, 4,5,6,7, 8,9,3,7, 8,10,6,7, 12,13,14,7, 15,13,11,16

    The data values in line 1099 are organized as six 4-byte-blocks. As SN=4, three 4-byte-blocks are skipped and the data read pointer now points to the 4th block "8,10,6,7". In line 1020 the 4 values of the "selected" 4-byte-block are copied to the 1-dimensional Basic array T(*). The string initialization T$="ARE YOU AN" tells everything we need: The following loop (lines 1025-1035) gets the nationality text strings from some memory locations and appends them to T$.
    The bug happens when we select "FRENCH PRIVATEER" which is the third line in the onscreen options menu (year 1640): C=2! Hence, T(C)=T(2)=10 and A=BF+T(C)*80-80=$C000+10*80-80=$C2D0 in line 1040. The loop in line 1055 now copies 16 successive bytes from $C2D0+56=$C308 to PRS+64=$9440 memory location!
    So start the game in WinVice, select 1640 as special historical time period and choose to be a French privateer. When you're asked for your name, the memory copy in line 1055 already happened. Press Alt+M to enter WinVice's monitor and enter m 9440 944f at the monitor's command prompt. The memory table should look as follows.

    Figure #17: Governors (original) relationships at memory address $9440.

    Now recall the code snippets from "MAIN" on side 2: The value of NN in line 3342 is the governor's own nationality and it divides the table into four 4-byte-blocks: The GOSUB2195 call in line 3022 associates NN=0 with the SPANISH ($9440..$9443), NN=1 with the ENGLISH ($9444..$9447), NN=2 with the FRENCH ($9448..$944B) and NN=3 with the DUTCH ($944C..$944F). The 4 values inside each block are associated with the nationalities in the same order (variable "I" and GOSUB2195 in line 3342); value 1 means alliance, value 255 means war and all other values (especially zero) simply mean no text output.
    So read the table values in Figure #17: being a French Privateer in 1640, the spanish will be at war with the french and the dutch, the english will be allied with the dutch, the french at war with the spanish, and the dutch allied with the english and at war with.. yes.. themselves! This list is not synchronous! The spanish are at war with the dutch and this should be vice versa too. So we have to edit the last 4-byte-block (the dutch): exchange the $FF at position $944F with the $00 at position $944C. The memory table at $9440 should now look as follows.

    Figure #18: Governors (fixed) relationships at memory address $9440.

    Now we have to fix this bug in the file "CHARS.DTA". Start "64Copy 4.20", open "pirates1.d64" and press ALT+F4 on "CHARS.DTA" to hex-edit it. The above $9440-table is obviously located at file offset $C308-$C000=$308 but this doesn't help because of the sector interleave. So simply search for the string "FRENCH PRIVATEER" using F7/F8 keys to navigate sector by sector through the file. The table we search resides 56 bytes after the beginning of that string. Unfortunately the French privateer block extends over 2 disk sectors, so the double-line indicates the sector change in the following Figure #19.

    Figure #19: Original CHARS.DTA at the questionable file position (double line indicating sector interleave).

    So fix it as shown in the following Figure #20 (F4 key to hex-edit and finally ESC key to finish).

    Figure #20: Fixed CHARS.DTA at the questionable file position (double line indicating sector interleave).

    I quickly checked the other tables and found no further problems. So start a game as French Privateer in 1640 and visit a dutch governor.. Our bugfix is working!

    I've seen quite some Pirates versions so far, as I stated in the introduction. All of this versions have this bug! How could it go undetected for years back in the 1980s?

    Chapter 5.2: Fixing a minor typo

    I found a typo in a certain player's "life story" located in Sector #36 (sector number taken from data lines 1189-1205 in "PICK"), "pirates1.d64" file offset $243F.

    Figure #21: See the "FORTURE" typo at offset $243F (Pirates disk Side 1)?

    Simply correct the word "FORTURE" to be "FORTUNE": Open "pirates1.d64" with "UltraEdit" in hex-mode, scroll to offset $2400 (Sector #36 begins there) and correct it at offset $243F. That's it.

    CHAPTER 6 - Autostarting the game

    The original game comes around with an autostart, we lost it when we removed the Rapidlok protection. We will add an autostart code to the game in this Chapter, so you don't have to type RUN anymore. This also applies to C128 users: Although we copied the C128 boot sector (Track 1, Sector 0), it only loads the file "TITLE" into memory and the user has to manually enter RUN afterwards. Even the ESI version has an autostart.

    Chapter 6.1: The autostart file

    I must admit I looked at the ESI version again for inspiration. The idea is as follows: When you type a simple LOAD"TITLE",8,1, some Kernal routines will be called. The "last one" in the chain is the standard Kernal file loading routine $FFD5 which actually loads the wanted file to its predefined memory load address.
    Each time a new Kernal (sub-)routine is called in the above chain, a return address is put on the stack (for later return). I.e. if the above "TITLE" got loaded, the $FFD5 routine will return to its calling routine. We will "intercept" this last return and change the return address to point to our own routine.
    The stack is located at $01FF, decreasing to $0100. So if we load our program to $0100 and overwrite the whole $01xx range with $02, all return addresses change to $0202(+1). Hence, when $FFD5 completes the file load, it will "return" to $0203 (regardless of stack pointer register value) and the code there gets executed! The following is a memory dump of the file accomplishing this ($0100-$0238).

    0100 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 ................
    0110 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 ................
    0120 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 ................
    0130 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 ................
    0140 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 ................
    0150 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 ................
    0160 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 ................
    0170 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 ................
    0180 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 ................
    0190 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 ................
    01A0 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 ................
    01B0 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 ................
    01C0 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 ................
    01D0 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 ................
    01E0 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 ................
    01F0 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 ................
    0200 02 02 02 A9 08 A8 AA 20 BA FF A9 05 A2 31 A0 02 .... ..1.
    0210 20 BD FF A9 00 85 9D 20 D5 FF 86 2D 84 2E A9 08  .... ..-...
    0220 20 C3 FF A2 FF 9A A9 02 85 7B A9 36 85 7A 6C 08  ......6....
    0230 03 54 49 54 4C 45 00 8A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .TITLE..........

    We don't want to meddle with the Basic program "TITLE" which gets loaded to $0801. We'll add a selfmade file "PIRATES" to the disk. It has to be the first file on the disk, so it will be targeted by LOAD"*",8,1.
    What we do at $0203 is clear: we load "TITLE" into memory and execute it. The following is the disassembly of the code.

    0203 A9 08     LDA #$08    ; our file number: #8
    0205 A8        TAY
    0206 AA        TAX         ; drive 8
    0207 20 BA FF  JSR $FFBA   ; SETLFS
    020A A9 05     LDA #$05    ; len("TITLE")=5
    020C A2 31     LDX #$31    ; lo(@"TITLE")
    020E A0 02     LDY #$02    ; hi(@"TITLE")
    0210 20 BD FF  JSR $FFBD   ; SETNAM
    0213 A9 00     LDA #$00    ;
    0215 85 9D     STA $9D     ; no Kernal text output to screen during load
    0217 20 D5 FF  JSR $FFD5   ; Load RAM From Device
    021A 86 2D     STX $2D     ; $2D/$2E = Pointer: Start of BASIC Variables
    021C 84 2E     STY $2E     ;   -> will be located right after the loaded file
    021E A9 08     LDA #$08
    0220 20 C3 FF  JSR $FFC3   ; CLOSE #8
    0223 A2 FF     LDX #$FF
    0225 9A        TXS         ; reset stack pointer
    0226 A9 02     LDA #$02    ;
    0228 85 7B     STA $7B     ; $7A/$7B = Pointer: Current Byte of BASIC Text
    022A A9 36     LDA #$36    ;   -> $0236(+1)
    022C 85 7A     STA $7A     ;
    022E 6C 08 03  JMP ($0308) ; Vector: BASIC Character dispatch Routine
    0231 "TITLE"               ; filename to be loaded
    0237 8A 00                 ; Basic token: $8A=RUN

    The actual file load (instructions $0203-$0222) happens as before, the $0223/$0225 instructions reset the hopelessly corrupted stack to start again from $01FF. To start the Basic program we just loaded ("TITLE"), I took ripped the code from Rapidlok's $02B6 exit-routine #2 (analyzed in Chapter 1): Set $7A/$7B (Pointer: Current Byte of BASIC Text) to point to $0237, where the Basic token $8A=RUN resides. Then jump to the $0308 vector (Vector: BASIC Character dispatch Routine) to start execution.

    The game autostarts now when you type LOAD"*",8,1 or LOAD"PIRATES",8,1. Of course, you may always run the game as before using LOAD"TITLE",8,1 (and then typing RUN).

    Chapter 6.2: The C128 boot sector

    When you have a C128 you can put your original Pirates disk (side 1) into your 1571 drive, turn the power on and the game autostarts (i.e. "TITLE" gets loaded). There's a boot sector located on Track 1, Sector 0 being loaded by a system call to the $FF53 "BOOT CALL" routine. But we want to make sure our selfmade "PIRATES" is loaded (and autostarted), and not "TITLE" (as it no longer has the autostart). The following Figure #22 is a hex-dump of the boot sector.

    Figure #22: C128 boot sector (Disk Side 1, Track 1, Sector 0).

    C128 boot sectors have a special structure, the "Commodore 128 - Programmer's Reference Guide" [12] has details. The following window gives a short overview of the situation.

    $00 -> CBM              ; key
    $03 -> $00,$00,$00,$00  ; no other boot sector
    $07 -> PIRATES,$00      ; printout message "BOOTING PIRATES..."
    $0F -> $00              ; no filename
    $10 -> $78,$A0,$04,...  ; program code

    The boot sector gets loaded to memory location $0B00. When the printout message was printed to the screen, the program code at $0B10 gets executed (the start address depends on the length of the message and the filename). The following Figure #23 shows the disassembly.

    Figure #23: C128 boot sector $0B10 (start of code area) disassembly.

    First interrupts have to be disabled for the following (SEI command at $0B10). The $0B11-$0B30 loop copies "CBM"+$4D+$FF" to the memory range $FFF5-$FFF9 of all Banks 0-15 (using the $FF77 indirect STA). "CBM" is the signature showing that the SYSTEM vector at $FFF8 in all memory banks is now a valid pointer to $FF4D. The $FF4D routine switches the C128 to C64 mode and exits via an indirect jump through the C64 $FFFC Reset vector (default target is $FCE2). So from now on the C128 automatically switches to C64 mode through the $FF4D routine when we press Reset (warm start). I really don't know what it's good for as we won't press Reset.
    Next is the $0B31-$0B3A loop: it copies "our code" (and some memory bytes from behind it) from $0B45-$0C44 to $8000-$80FF memory location. The memory range $8000-$9FFF is known as "Optional Cartridge ROM space".
    The final jump to the $FF4D routine sets the C64 mode and (as already stated) executes the C64's $FCE2 routine. So take a look at the following $FCE2 Kernal disassembly (Kernal disassemblies taken from "AAY64 - All_About_Your_64 - Online Help" [3]).

    C64 Kernal Routine $FCE2: Power-Up RESET Entry
    FCE2: A2 FF     LDX #$FF
    FCE4: 78        SEI
    FCE5: 9A        TXS
    FCE6: D8        CLD
    FCE7: 20 02 FD  JSR $FD02     ; Check For 8-ROM
    FCEA: D0 03     BNE $FCEF
    FCEC: 6C 00 80  JMP ($8000)
    FCEF: 8E 16 D0  STX $D016     ; VIC: Control Register 2
    FCF2: 20 A3 FD  JSR $FDA3     ; Initialise I/O
    FCF5: 20 50 FD  JSR $FD50     ; Initialise System Constants
    FCF8: 20 15 FD  JSR $FD15     ; Restore Kernal Vectors
    FCFB: 20 5B FF  JSR $FF5B     ; Initialize screen editor
    FCFE: 58        CLI
    FCFF: 6C 00 A0  JMP ($A000)   ; Restart Vectors, [$A000]=$E394

    As the last jump goes to $E394, we look at the disassembly of that Kernal routine too.

    C64 Kernal Routine $E394: BASIC Cold Start
    E394: 20 53 E4  JSR $E453     ; Initialize Vectors
    E397: 20 BF E3  JSR $E3BF     ; Initialize BASIC RAM
    E39A: 20 22 E4  JSR $E422     ; Output Power-Up Message
    E39D: A2 FB     LDX #$FB
    E39F: 9A        TXS
    E3A0: D0 E4     BNE $E386     ; BASIC Warm Start [RUNSTOP-RESTORE]

    You may want to check the paragraph on "KERNAL POWER-UP ACTIVITIES" in "Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide" [5]. The $FD02 routine checks for the presence of an autostart ROM cartridge at location $8000: $8004-$8008 must be the signature "CBM80" (bit 7 set on letters). Location $8000/$8001 is the Cold Start vector and $8002/$8003 the Warm Start vector, both are set to $8009 in our case and the signature is also ok. So the "cartridge code" at [$8000]=$8009 gets automatically executed (see the following Figure #24 for the disassembly).

    Figure #24: C128 boot sector $8009 disassembly.

    So what's going on here? Of course, we need the normal initialization calls as if no cartridge would be there. When no cartridge is detected, $FD02 should return with register value X=5. So the sequence of commands at $8009-$8020 and $8061-$8063 is the same as in the Kernal routines $FCE2 and $E394 above (ok, we don't need the "Output Power-Up Message" and the "BASIC Warm Start"). That much to the initializations.
    The $D020/$D021 instructions set the border and background color to blue (=6), and $0289 ("Maximum number of Bytes in Keyboard Buffer") is set to 12. Then $802E-$803A loop copies some command sequences to the screen using the $FFD2 CHROUT routine. First is $1F,$93,$0D,$0D, where $1F is the code for immediately changing the text output color to blue (so from now on it's blue text output on blue background), $93=147 immediately clears the screen and the $0D's are simple carriage returns. The second command sequence is "NEW", followed by three $0D's. The third sequence is "LOAD ":*",8,1" followed by $00, so the screen output stops. The following Figure #25 visualizes the scene (I changed the text and border color to light blue for your convenience).

    Figure #25: Text output of C128 boot code (text + border color changed to light blue).

    Next commands between $803B-$8054 can be summarized by "OPEN15,8,15,"U0>M0":CLOSE15", which sets the 1571 drive to 1541 mode. Then two $0D's are placed into "Keyboard Buffer Queue (FIFO)" ($0278/$0279), and this fact is told the C64 by setting the $C6 value ("Number of Characters in Keyboard Buffer queue") to 2. The final JMP $E38B goes into the middle of the Kernal routine $E37B (see following disassembly).

    C64 Kernal Routine $E37B: BASIC Warm Start [RUNSTOP-RESTORE]
    E37B: 20 CC FF  JSR $FFCC     ; Restore I/O Vector
    E37E: A9 00     LDA #$00
    E380: 85 13     STA $13       ; File number of current Input Device
    E382: 20 7A A6  JSR $A67A     ; Perform [clr]
    E385: 58        CLI
    E386: A2 80     LDX #$80
    E388: 6C 00 03  JMP ($0300)   ; Vector: BASIC Error Message
    E38B: 8A        TXA
    E38C: 30 03     BMI $E391
    E38E: 4C 3A A4  JMP $A43A     ; Error Routine
    E391: 4C 74 A4  JMP $A474     ; Restart BASIC

    There's only a minor difference in the two flows of execution, because "our" routine branches to $E38B on exit and the $E394 Kernal routine to $E386 (the $0300 vector points to $E38B). So the register values of A,X are different: $FB in "our" flow of execution and $80 in the Kernal one. But in both values the highest bit is set to 1 - so the BMI $E391 branches. When you trace the $A474 "Restart BASIC" routine, you will see that both register values get overwritten by immediates, so the actual register values are unimportant.
    As the Basic interpreter loop gets started by the JMP $A474, our "NEW" and "LOAD ":*",8,1" get read and executed. This means the first file on the disk will be loaded. On the original Pirates disk, "TITLE" was the first file and it was autostarted by the $02E0-RTS in the fastloader's exit-routine. In our case "PIRATES" is the first file and it will get autostarted because we designed it that way. That's what we wanted to make sure.
    The following Figure #26 shows the executed text output of the boot code (text and border color again changed to light blue for your convenience).

    Figure #26: Executed text output of C128 boot code (text + border color changed to light blue).

    The "EPROM Programmers Handbook for the C64 and C128" [20], Chapter 1.8 "Autostart Cartridges" has further interesting details.

    If you assemble a new Pirates (side 1) image, don't forget to first copy Tracks 1-3 and mark them as used in the BAM. Then the first file you copy to that image must be the autostart file "PIRATES".

    CHAPTER 7 - Creating the clean image - Final copy guide

    The previous Chapters explained in detail how to make a clean backup image of Pirates. So refer to them when following this short summary which will quickly guide you step by step through the image making.

    Step 0: Make sure you have the necessary hard- and software:
    - C64 (PAL or NTSC),
    - two 1541 drives (one drive ID set to 8, the other set to 9, both connected to each other and the C64 by the usual serial cables),
    - two 5.25" formatted working disks (label them "A" and "B"),
    - XA1541 or XAP1541 cable for PC<->1541 connection (other cables may also work),
    - "64Copy 4.20" for Windows (Norton Commander like file handling tool for D64 images),
    - "opencbm 0.4.0" for Windows (1541 Windows driver and utilities),
    - "GUI4CBM4WIN 0.4.1" for "opencbm 0.4.0" (nice graphical Windows application),
    - "nibtools 0.5.1" for Windows (copy program - only if you have a XAP1541 parallel cable and 1541 with parallel port),
    - "WinVice 1.22" for Windows (C64-emulator),
    - "UltraEdit 13.20" for Windows (text/hex editor).

    Step 1: Connect your 1541 drive (ID 8) to your Windows PC using the parallel XAP1541 cable [choice (A)] or XA1541 cable [choice (B)] (turn them off before connecting!). Run instcbm.exe from the opencbm package to install the Windows driver.

    Step 2: Copy both sides of your original Pirates disk into D64 files on your PC: Open a Windows command shell (cmd.exe) and type in:
    (A) nibread -E36 side1.nib to copy and nibconv side1.nib side1.d64 to convert to D64 format (same with side 2).
    (B) d64copy -e 3 8 side1.d64 to copy Tracks 1-3 and d64copy -s 18 -e 18 8 side1.d64 for Track 18 (same with side 2).

    Step 3: Prepare the working disks for the C64 - Use opencbm's "d64copy.exe" to copy the supplied copy program to the working disks: insert working disk A into the 1541 drive and enter d64copy pircopy73.d64 8 at the Windows command shell prompt (same with working disk B).

    Step 4: Run instcbm -r to de-install the Windows driver. Connect both 1541 drives to your C64 using the usual serial cables. Restart the C64 (turn power off and on).

    Step 5: Insert your original Pirates disk side 1 into drive 8 and the prepared working disk A into drive 9. Load and run our copy program: LOAD"PIRCOPY73SIDE1",9,1 and then SYS2600 to start the copy process. (Do the same with Pirates disk side 2, working disk B and "PIRCOPY73SIDE2".)

    Step 6: Connect your 1541 drive with ID 8 to your Windows PC again (turn them off before connecting!) and run instcbm.exe.
    Copy both working disks to your Windows PC: d64copy 8 workA.d64 (same with working disk B).

    Step 7: Copy the not protected files:
    (A) Use "64Copy" to copy the not protected files "FACE 1".."FACE 8" from "side1.d64" to "workA.d64" and "NAMES 0".."NAMES 3" from "side2.d64" to "workB.d64".
    (B) Insert your original Pirates disk and use "GUI4CBM4WIN" to copy "FACE 1".."FACE 8" from side 1 and "NAMES 0".."NAMES 3" from side 2 to your Windows PC filesystem. Remove all filename extensions (e.g. rename "NAMES 0.seq" to "NAMES 0"). Use "64Copy" to copy the files to the corresponding "workA.d64"/"workB.d64" and change the file attributes of "NAMES 0".."NAMES 3" from "prg" to "seq" in "workB.d64".

    Run instcbm -r to de-install the Windows driver.

    Step 8: Apply the patches to "PICK" and "MAIN" (shadow files), fix their filesizes and apply the bugfixes ("CHARS.DTA" and typo on Track 2) to "workA.d64" and "workB.d64".

    Step 9: Use "WinVice" to create two clean D64 images named "pirates1.d64" and "pirates2.d64".

    Step 10: Use "UltraEdit" to copy Tracks 1-3 from "side1.d64" to "pirates1.d64" and mark them as used in the BAMs. Set ID + Disk name. (Same with side 2.)

    Step 11: Use "64Copy" to copy all files from "workA.d64" to "pirates1.d64" starting with the supplied autostart file "PIRATES" (same with side 2, but not "PIRATES" of course).

    Step 12: Run the game in WinVice!

    Optional steps:

    Step 13: Clean the Tracks 1-3 on "pirates1.d64" and "pirates2.d64".

    Step 14: Play the game on your C64:
    Connect your 1541 drive (ID 8) to your Windows PC again (turn them off before connecting!) and run instcbm.exe.
    Insert an empty disk and transfer the game using d64copy pirates1.d64 8 (same with side 2).
    Run instcbm -r to de-install the Windows driver. Connect the 1541 drive to your C64 as the only drive.
    Type LOAD"*",8,1 or LOAD"PIRATES",8,1 at your C64's command prompt to start the game.

    Step 15: Send greetings to me!


    - Did you turn the C64 off before running the pircopys?
    - Make sure all protected files on your original Pirates disk are in the pircopy file lists.
    - Do the nibread logfiles from step (2A) show any errors (in addition to known ones)? This may indicate that your Pirates disk is faulty.
    - Use RetroReplay Cartridge with Cyberpunx ROM (with $DD00 bugfix) to check if the injector addresses are all ok: Insert endless loops into the pircopys and freeze on these to check if the injection code is copied to the correct locations. Check our address stack for problems.
    - Use RetroReplay Cartridge with Cyberpunx ROM (with $DD00 bugfix) to check if the PAL/NTSC detection and injected opcodes are ok. Are the pircopys injecting the correct opcodes to the correct location?
    - Are your formatted working disks 100% ok? Double and triple check this!!
    - Remove all additional hardware from your C64 (cartridges, fastloader ROMs, etc.).

    CHAPTER 8 - Conclusion

    In this tutorial we learned how to make a clean backup copy of the 1541 disk version of Pirates. The Rapidlok copy protection (including the fastloader) is completely removed from the game now. Our backup copy is working in WinVice (D64 images) as well as on the C64 (both PAL and NTSC). And - at least my one - has a newer version number than the ESI one.
    We understood in detail how the (Rapidlok) fastloader works on the C64 side and exploited this knowledge to write a code injector for grabbing the boundary memory addresses and return addresses of files getting fast-loaded into memory. The detection and handling of PAL/NTSC timing was no problem for us. By writing a filecopy routine that loops over a number of filenames, we could load all protected files with the activated Injector from drive 8 and afterwards save them to drive 9 using the grabbed memory address information. You only have to make sure all protected files on your original disk are listed in the filename lists. We also found and copied the missing parts: the unprotected files, Tracks 1-3 containing the strings and the original disk names and IDs. And we found solutions for the shadow files: we added explicit load instructions to the Basic programs or alternatively replaced them by Basic program code. Then we fixed 2 bugs. The typo was very easy, but we had to dig into the Basic program codes and understand some memory organization for the other, annoying one. Finally we added an own file for autostarting the game and made sure it's compatible with the C128 boot sector.
    It took quite some time to understand, work out the details, get everything to run and explain it afterwards. But the whole time it was very interesting and I enjoyed to see and follow the footsteps of the legendary Sid Meier.

    I gladly receive comments. I would happily add some excellent paragraph on why exactly the file lengths are so important - or why not. Check the next tutorial [22] for an analysis of the Rapidlok code running inside the 1541 drive.


    The D64 contents

    I included the following 8 D64 images (198 Kb):

    The clean Pirates disk image for instant playing:

    Images from the original Pirates disk (PAL+NTSC versions!):

    Our developed copy program (for both disk sides):

    The original versions of all files we modified or left out:

    For playing the game you will need the dates for the treasure fleet and the silver train. I did not include them as you will find them in the "Pirates! manual" [13].

    Document Revision History

    v1.01 - 01 Nov 2009, minor fixes and extensions.
    v1.0 - 09 Dec 2007, first edition.


    I used and recommend the following literature (all downloadable as text, html or PDF from the Internet).

    [1] "D64 (Electronic form of a physical 1541 disk)", Document rev. 1.9, updated: March 11, 2004. Contributors/sources: "Inside Commodore DOS" (R. Immers, G. Neufeld), W. Moser.
    [2] "Inside Commodore DOS", R. Immers, G. Neufeld. Datamost Inc., 1984, ISBN: 0-8359-3091-2.
    [3] AAY64 - All_About_Your_64 - Online Help v0.64, (c) 1995-2005 Ninja/The Dreams.
    [4] AAY1541 - All_About_Your_1541 - Online Help v0.23, (c) 1995-2006 Ninja/The Dreams.
    [5] "Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide", 1st Edition, Commodore Business Machines Inc., 1982. Available as The Project 64 etext #46, "C64PRG10.TXT"/"C64PRG10.ZIP", June 1996.
    [6] "Commodore 64 User's Guide", 2nd Edition, Commodore Business Machines Inc., 1984. Available as The Project 64 etext #251, "C64UG210.TXT"/"C64UG210.ZIP", June 1997.
    [7] "Commodore 1541 Disk Drive User's Guide", Commodore Business Machines Electronics Ltd., September 1982. Available as The Project 64 etext #7, "1541D10A.TXT"/"1541D10A.ZIP", January 1996.
    [8] "Direkte Programmierung der Floppy 1541" (german), N. Heusler. Available as The International Project 64 etext #10, "1541JDE1.TXT", June 1997. Original source: 64'er Magazin, volume 12/1993.
    [9] "Kracker Jax Revealed Trilogy", Books I II III, by KJPB, 1990.
    [10] CyberpunX Retro Replay (BETA) Extended Manual. By Count Zero.
    [11] "Machine Language for the Commodore 64 and Other Commodore Computers", J. Butterfield. Brady Communications Company Inc., 1984. ISBN: 0-89303-652-8. Converted to etext for free public distribution by D. Holz, "MLC64.TXT"/"MLC64.ZIP".
    [12] "Commodore 128 - Programmer's Reference Guide", Commodore Business Machines Inc., 1986. ISBN: 0-553-34292-4.
    [13] "Pirates! manual". Original game manual, available as The Project 64 etext #356, "PIRATE20.TXT"/"PIRATE20.ZIP", May 1998.
    [14] "Game of The Week: Pirates!", game review by M. Wiesner, ClassicGaming.com
    [15] "2-bit transfer protocol in an IRQ-loader", Lasse rni.
    [16] "Bits der Reihe nach (Thema: serieller Bus, Programmierung der 1541)" (german), N. Heusler. Available as The International Project 64 etext #13, "SER_DE1.TXT", June 1997. Original source: 64'er Magazin, volume 01/1994.
    [17] "Rasters - What They Are and How to Use Them", B. Vrieling, "C=Hacking" net magazine, issue 3, 15-Jul-1992.
    [18] "Making stable raster routines (C64 and VIC-20)", M. Makela, "C=Hacking" net magazine, issue 10, 30-Jun-1995.
    [19] "A reliable PAL/NTSC check!", W. Sang (Ninja/The Dreams).
    [20] "EPROM Programmers Handbook for the C64 and C128", B. Mellon, CSM Software Inc., 1985.
    [21] "Floppyprogrammierung - von (A)ssembler bis (B)asic" (german), J. Brokamp, H. Beiler. 64'er Magazin, volume 06/1994.
    [22] "The RapidLok6 Handbook v1.1", BanGuiBob, 2007-2009.

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